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PETA vs. Karl Rove

OK, I love PETA for their stands against animal cruelty on factory farms and for promoting vegetarianism but this is knda silly.

Yeah, Karl Rove made a bad rap in bad taste.  He hunts doves and he has the President's "ear".  Bush owns a ranch so Rove couldn't possibly tell him anything he wouldn't think of himself. . . .  . . . . . . . . eventually.  I think PETA should be a little more selective and not "run off at the mouth" at every little offensive thing.  It makes them look too crazy bitchy, IMHO.

Why??????  Bushie sensitivity is an oxymoron.

Conservatives are much more politically savvy than liberals.  I think they were just waiting for that response so they'd have something to discuss on talk radio.  Way to go PETA!


Why??????  Bushie sensitivity is an oxymoron.

Conservatives are much more politically savvy than liberals.  I think they were just waiting for that response so they'd have something to discuss on talk radio.  Way to go PETA!

Why is because it makes a lot of people like my DH, tune out as soon as they hear "PETA".  If I see something on the PETA site that I want him to know about, I try to go back to the original sources.  I think PETA could make a lot bigger impact with the on-the-fence omni if they would choose their battles just a little more carefully! 

BTW, Bush must have gotten hit in the head with quite a few foul balls when he owned the Texas Rangers baseball team!  He may have graduated from Yale but he's a moron now a days.

Did anyone read the article in VegNews about Dennis Kucinich?  He's running for President and he's vegan.  Here's the wikipedia article about him:

He sounds too good to actually win, unfortunately!  If he makes it to the Texas primary, he'll get my vote.


Egads!  Dennis Kucinich is not only a vegan but came from a working class family.  I wonder how he ever got in the House of Representatives?  I guess they let a few token regular people in so we think the system works.  Huh... I wonder if that means Al Franken has a chance?

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