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I cant take it anymore

The constant media bombardment of Twilight.

I am contemplating drinking bleach. I know its probably not good for me, but it will at least get my mind distract me from how lame Twilight is. I mean really, this Ed dude is like 200 years old while that girl is probably about 15. That shit is gross, he is a pedophile to the max. Oh and did I mention he drinks blood as well? What is so cool about that? We all know non-blood drinking vegans are a hell of a lot more sexy/interesting that a 200 year old pedophile, so why aren't we in movies?

Also to add on to how horrible the situation is, I just spilled grape juice everywhere.

So you're really not Team Jacob or Team Edward?  :P  Or Team Edward until Jacob takes off his shirt?

(There's one way around it.  Don't watch TV.  I don't and I haven't heard much about Twilight at all.  I also by-passed the Brittney Spears drama that way.)


I do watch TV, and I haven't seen that much about Twilight in the media. I only see people talking about it on facebook/forums, or irl.


ugh yes it is soooo annoying!! even though jacob is HOT. but meh. the movies suck.


Team Jacob, sorry this probably isn't helping :)

I read all the books too, nerdy!


I went with my friend to whichever the latest one was and in parts we spontaneously burst out laughing.  If not taken too seriously, it's damn funny in a cheez sauce way.

babysgotsauce - Did you notice Robert Pattinson's nipples in the scene where he was going to walk out into the light in the square?  He has some funky ones.


didn't notice them, lol!


Don't get me started. Here in Spain, Twilight and its spawn are bloody well everywhere. Saturation point is reached. Some time ago! Like "Titanic", I am sooo sick and tired of hearing about it, I refuse to watch/read/have anything to do with it.

Their basic premise is too skewed for words. Drinking animal blood does not make you a "vegetarian"...not even a pescetarian.

Give that writer a dictionary for Christmas, someone.


Did you notice Robert Pattinson's nipples in the scene where he was going to walk out into the light in the square?  He has some funky ones.

Haha, I think Katie mentioned something about that. ::)


Don't get me started. Here in Spain, Twilight and its spawn are bloody well everywhere. Saturation point is reached. Some time ago! Like "Titanic", I am sooo sick and tired of hearing about it, I refuse to watch/read/have anything to do with it.

Their basic premise is too skewed for words. Drinking animal blood does not make you a "vegetarian"...not even a pescetarian.

Give that writer a dictionary for Christmas, someone.


that is hillarous. i..just...when i saw 'twilight', and he said that, i felt like the writers were making a mockery of vegetarianism, as if it were a flingy, fleeting fad that deserved to be mocked.


babysgotsauce - Did you notice Robert Pattinson's nipples in the scene where he was going to walk out into the light in the square?  He has some funky ones.

OMG, I did!  Hahaha they were so weird.


Like I sooo want to sleep with someone who's been Undead for 200 new meaning to the British term "crumbly".


The constant media bombardment of Twilight.

I am contemplating drinking bleach. I know its probably not good for me, but it will at least get my mind distract me from how lame Twilight is. I mean really, this Ed dude is like 200 years old while that girl is probably about 15. That shit is gross, he is a pedophile to the max. Oh and did I mention he drinks blood as well? What is so cool about that? We all know non-blood drinking vegans are a hell of a lot more sexy/interesting that a 200 year old pedophile, so why aren't we in movies?

Also to add on to how horrible the situation is, I just spilled grape juice everywhere.

The whole pedo-vampire thing wierds me out, too. As does the fact that the series seems to be an odd justification of some of the more questionable aspects of Mormanism.

Old guys marrying young girls, because it's destined? Check. Said oldsters arranging marriages between other oldsters and not-yet-born young girls? Check.

Plus, there's the whole thinly veiled abstinence message and complete passivity of the female character... ew.

And as a horror fan (yes, I'm repeating myself on this one)... vampires don't sparkle!. Either take you cues from Count Orlock or Severen, or go home.


wow i didnt even realize the word vegetarian was in the book until i googled it. weird


I work in a bookstore- I feel your pain. lol


I mean really, this Ed dude is like 200 years old while that girl is probably about 15. That shit is gross, he is a pedophile to the max.

BAHAHAHAHA!  This made my day.


I also cannot stand it. Here is how the story SHOULD go:


I agree with the first couple of posts--if you don't watch TV and you spend your time on the internet surfing vegweb, you won't hear about it. When we moved last December we didn't have a TV, and it's been the most amazing 2 months! I never want to own a television again.


I've read the first book and seen the first movie.  I have the second book on my Kindle and everytime I start reading it, I have to refrain from throwing the Kindle across the room.  I did notice in the first movie that the author of the book, Stephenie Meyer does a cameo in one of the diner scenes and the waitress says her first name and that whatever she's having is veggie.  I don't remember exactly what that was.  I think in the movie, Bella is veg*n too.  She ordered a veggie burger in one scene and a meatless pasta dish in another.  I think Meyer should know better than having a vampire joke that he's a vegetarian.  Made me pissed off big time.

I prefer Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire books, even though they're not very well written either and she doesn't do any Louisiana dialect which would make it more *realistic* setting-wise.  The series "True Blood" is  based on her books, but is much better written than them.

As for sex with a vampire, yuck, yuck, yuck.  I like my men warm and especially like them, if like my beloved DH, they're hot blooded!


oh man. I have not read these, although I flipped through the second book at a friend's house and read a paragraph where the main character gets sexually assaulted. It wasn't treated like a big deal, I guess because they already knew each other, which is scary because in real life that's how these things happen so much of the time.  :-\ after that I lost whatever inkling of interest I had in the books. I really loved Buffy when I was around the "twilight age". I wish there were still shows like that with badass female characters, witty jokes and the like.


I've only watched moments of Buffy here and there when channel-surfing. My DH came out with something that surprised me...Buffy was doing her girl-fighter thing, when suddenly he said, "Now wait...these guys are supposed to be like angels and demons and vampires and stuff, right?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"So they would have supernatural powers, like angels."
"So why do they need martial arts? Darth Vader could strangle someone with a look.And that was back in 1979."
"I guess because it looks better on camera."
"Yeah, I guess."

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