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Weekly Giveaway: two belts from The Vegan Collection! sandybee is the winner!

Dads need belts. They need neckties and belts. Those are just things that dads need. Some more advanced dads might prefer suspenders but the average dad needs a few good belts. I know it's a cliché gift but dads are nothing if not practical. If you're looking for the perfect non-leather belt for dad, you're in luck. The Vegan Collection ( has provided us with two of the spiffiest belts around, The Sampras in a medium size in black, and The Captain in a small size in brown. That's one belt for you and one for dad. Since these good looking belts are unisex, they're perfect for all! Hey? It's important to treat yourself well too, as that makes you a better kid!

For a chance to win both belts, and let me know what your Father's Day plans are!

Giveaway ends on Tuesday, June 22nd at midnight, PST! Winner will be chosen at random!

Good luck!

My parents live in VA, while I'm in OH. I just made a visit over Memorial Day  for Mother's Day/Dad's birthday/Father's Day.  We had a good time just spending time together.  I gave my dad some used books and a record.  I love re-purposing books from second-hand shops :)  I also made them Vegan sloppy joes (they're not veggies) - and they were a hit!


I have a nice Motorcycle ride planned with my dad. We have done this for the past 3 years. Then, its off to a cookout with my non vegetarian family. Luckily they support me!


Go to my grandparent's house and make my grandpa a pie...or carrot cake :)


am going to bake the super moist chocolate cake I just got off this website for dad, then we are all going out to dinner.


We are celebrating Father's Day a day late since we'll be at my grandmother's birthday party.  We are meeting at my parent's house  for a nice meal and celebration.


If the weather cooperates I'll be riding the motorcycle. I'm not cold. My father passed away in 1975 and I've never been a father....
Gary - In a Little Town in Northern NY


I made my dad an awesome peanut butter s'mores cake. My siblings and their SOs all came in town (I live in the same city as my dad) and we each got him a mug that says what we call our father (dad, pop, etc - we each have our own). Heading over there now to celebrate!


Unfortunately, there are a couple thousand miles between my dad and I, so I won't be seeing him.  I will call him and wish him a happy father's day, though.  Other than that, it will probably be a quiet Sunday with good food and a nice walk through the park.


talked to my dad by phone, then grilled out, bought beer and provided sex for DH whose a great daddy of our 3 kids


Just sent a little carepackage because I live so far away! Lots of dark chocolate yummies.


Well, since it's 2 days after….
We had a cookout at the in-laws. Since I haven't seen or heard from my father since I was about 8, my father-in-law is the main one I have to think about. It was pretty cool; my in-laws are very accommodating to our veg eating. On top of that, he's been overworked in his business—sadly he's an exterminator—since his one employee recently became very ill. I happened to know a dependable person in need of a new job since the collections office he works for is exactly the sort of soul-sucking place you'd expect. On top of that, the pay was not as good as they said it would be.

Long story short, my father-in-law told me yesterday that finding him a new employee was the best Father's Day gift he got this year. That means I beat out both his own kids! Woot! Wait…one of them's my wife…oh well. Still awesome.


sandybee is the winner! congrats sandybee!!


congrats sandybee hope you enjoy it



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