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What should I name my baby boy?

I was thinking of Alexandar because I like the way it sounds, but I am looking for ideas, I am horrible with names. 

I want something not totally off the wall.  Since I live in Houston there is a lot of hispanics around here and I keep getting hispanic name suggestions from friends.  I try to be nice, but I don't want my boy to  have an hispanic name, neither Chad nor I are in any way hispanic so it just wouldn't make much sense.

A little background.  Most of my ancestors are from Germany, one was an Ojibwa indian, and I also have a set of great-grandparents that immigrated here from Bohemia (eastern Europe), I am American but most of my ancestory is from Germany.

Chad on the other had has a few ancestors from Germany, but most of his heritage is from Ireland, he has a few ancestors from England, but mostly he has Irish ancestory.

Any suggestions?

I think picking the name of your child is a very personal thing and for input, this site can give you ideas for Irish (Gaelic) names

For Germanic names:

There's German names:

Alexander is a very good name:


Alexander is a wonderfully strong name! Is baby boy going to have your last name of Chads?

With your last name, I like Alexander very much...other ideas are Ryan, Charles and Nicolas, and Riley.


  Be advised that it's spelled "Alexander" traditionally.

  How about Wolfgang? Dieter? Wilhelm?


I love Irish boys names...

Keenan, Keegan, Liam, Patrick,

with Shaun, or Sean for a middle name.

I would avoid the names that everyone else is choosing at the moment.  Alexander may be a wonderful name but there may be a lot of them in his kindergarten could always call him "xander" for short instead of the traditional "alex" and be a bit different.


Oh! I like Liam, Julien and Alexander! All three of those names are great! I also like Pane for a boy--but that's probably a little unconventional


Boys names are hard!  You can name a girl pretty much anything.. petunia, quartz, sequoia, jane, charlie and still be pretty and/or unique.

When I was preggers we didn't know if we were having two boys, two girls or one of each. so we had six names or combinations of names.  We ended up with two boys one named after my dad and my opa (grandpa) Pieter (yes with an 'i') Adrian and one named after hubbys grandpa and dad Leo Donald. Yup we named after family members, not very creative, but their names suit them pretty well.

The only thing I can't stand is when the first name and last name start with the same letter, like sally smith or jacob jones.  Don't know why it just bugs me! ???


Congratulations, SnowQueen! Boys are so much fun!  Alexander is my son's middle name.  His first name is Asa.....'Asa Alexander' sounded good to me. 

All of my kids have the same middle name.  Well kinda, the girls are Alexandra.  I was naming lazy, plus its a good way to keep them all straight.  ;D

It can be hard to name boys something unique, yet make it so they still like it 25 years from now...K2 was right, you can get away with anything for a girl!


Oh, I forgot to suggest something other than Alexander....I loved the name Byron for my son, but could not convince his father...I also love the name Silas or Sy for short.


this is the pleasant thing i was thinking of during my nap earlier...names for SQs baby! lol! Do you want the name to becommon enough to be able to buy mugs, keychains, pencils with it on there or just common enough so that people will have heard it somewhere before?

Id like to add:

Ansel (not sure if its german bet flows very well with your last name and Its like the nature photographer, which is cool too.)
Oscer (german, I think, but not supper common)
Zachary (not sure how common thisone is.)
Kolby or Toby? (cause there cute...)


You guys have some great suggestions!

I tried looking at websites but it is overwhelming, so many names!

Ansel is an idea, name him after a nature photographer, one of my favorite hobbies.

I also like Byron, and a few others.  Oh such a hard decision.

I wanted to name him after my great grandfather because he was kind of the hero of the family, an almost famous piano player, could play the piano like no one else from what I was told, and he was just a nice nice person who helped my mom and me (when I was an infant) out by buying her half a cow and a fridge to keep all of the meat in.  Okay, okay, not very vegetarian, but my mom was SUPER poor and only had the money to buy beans, rice, and cabbage basically.  So great-grandpa was a god send.  But his first name was Elmar, and his middle name was Leroy.  I am like: ummmm, no.

The reason I don't want it too obscure is so that in 25 years from now it won't look wierd on a resume when he is a doctor or engineer or something trying to start his career after college.  I was told by someone here at work that a lot of times potential employers will actually throw resume's away if the name is really wierd.  Not fair, I know, but it is life.


I knew a guy that wanted to name his daughter after his mom but the moms name was Beulah instead he chose a "B" name and a name that match the middle initial instead of Beulah he named her Bianca..much prettier..

So instead of Elmar...maybe Elias, or Eli, or Ellery, or Eldon, or Elijah...and a matching middle initial as well..

That way your named him after a  person that means a lot to you  but a more modern version of the know?


You guys have some great suggestions!

I tried looking at websites but it is overwhelming, so many names!

Ansel is an idea, name him after a nature photographer, one of my favorite hobbies.

I also like Byron, and a few others.  Oh such a hard decision.

I wanted to name him after my great grandfather because he was kind of the hero of the family, an almost famous piano player, could play the piano like no one else from what I was told, and he was just a nice nice person who helped my mom and me (when I was an infant) out by buying her half a cow and a fridge to keep all of the meat in.  Okay, okay, not very vegetarian, but my mom was SUPER poor and only had the money to buy beans, rice, and cabbage basically.  So great-grandpa was a god send.  But his first name was Elmar, and his middle name was Leroy.  I am like: ummmm, no.

The reason I don't want it too obscure is so that in 25 years from now it won't look wierd on a resume when he is a doctor or engineer or something trying to start his career after college.  I was told by someone here at work that a lot of times potential employers will actually throw resume's away if the name is really wierd.  Not fair, I know, but it is life.

How about Lee Roy ______?


My favourite names that never got used because we never had kids:

Give the child a name that won't "date" him (like my friend who named her son Anakin--not a good choice! She might as well have stamped him with his dob!)
Choose a name that will wear well. Avoid the urge to name him something that sort of "rhymes" with his surname...remember what can happen on the playground. Although with so many unique names out there, this is probably less of a problem than it was in the generation of Michelles, Susans and Chrises. (And for boys, Chris, Bill and Jim). But I had a friend in school whose name was Zoella Lidell (pronounced ly-dell) and she was often chanted at: Zo-ella Ly-dell-a! Zo-ella Ly-della!

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