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Nature's Gate Acne Treatment Kit...Anyone Tried It???

Hello Everyone,

I have these little bumps on my face, which I can only assume is acne.  I've been eating the same foods for a while now and my face just won't clear up.

Has anyone tried the Nature's Gate Acne Treatment Program?  Any suggestions on Vegan products that may work?  I drink lots of water, eat my fruits and veggies...I don't know what it is.  I do notice my skin has worsened since becoming vegan, for the last 2 years.

Any suggestions??


I've never tried it, but I have really bad skin. Always have, probably always will. Sucks


I've never tried Nature's Gate, but I used to have really bad acne...unfortunately I went vegetarian at about the same time as I started the big P, so I can't tell you if they were related.  Eventually, the doctor put me on a really strong vegetarian-source vitamin complex for like, 6 months, and then a normal veg. vitamin after that.  The first vitamins were too strong for long-term use, but when combined with gentle exfoliating and not putting anything on my face, it really cleared everything up.  It could be that your diet was bad - if you weren't raised vegan like I wasn't, there's a good chance it will take a while before you get it right.  Diet is so complicated, you think you're doing everything just right and then you realize you've been screwing up on something you've never thought of.  Frustrating.  :-[

I've also heard sudden acne can be a sign of a detox, but if it's been two years, that's probably not the case for you.  Actually the vitamins made me break out a little worse at first, then got much better, and some of my blood work came back better, too.

I do the same thing now as pretty-in-punk, except I use a gentle exfoliater on my face once every week or so (not a scrub, it uses fruit acids.)  I break out a little afterwards, near my hairline, but it keeps my face from building up dead skin, which is a main cause of my acne.  I also use a rosewater-based cleanser called "Naked Rose" that is really gentle, if I'd had to put anything on my face, like sunblock or makeup.


I'll second mdvegan. I totally thought I was breaking out in some weird way for a while until I was correctly diagnosed. Rosacea isn't exactly like regular acne because you get redness and lots of little bumps. If you want to check out the previous threads about this, just type "rosacea" into the vegweb search function.


Thanks Guy!!! I'm going to research rosacea cause mine are little bumps that come on my face...



Based on the online information I don't think I have rosacea b/c I'm nowhere near fair skinned.  It's impossible for me to have red blotches, my skin color won't allow it...ha!

Thanks Everyone!

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