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Vegan Poo

I know this has been discussed before, but I just have to say how amazing taking a vegan crap is. I swear I can sit, poop, wipe, and wash in under 60 seconds. and yes, my hands are clean!!!

Even when pregnant (and your are SUPPOSED to be constipated) I was still going 2-3 times per day with no problem.
After surgery where most people are blocked up for a week, I went on day 2!

One thing I miss is the quality readin' time in the jon. Now I don't even bother picking up a book or mag because I know there's no time!!! :D :D :D

both mine and dh's poop smells MUCH less....I can't remember the last time the house was wafting with shit smell from a messy poo.  ok, I'll say shit don't stink! :-D ::)

being vegan just has so many benefits.  ::)

Uhhh, no.  :nono:

eta: poop


Uhm, I'm confused? I thought ladies did not poop and that their farts smelt like flowers.

right!! come on guys, what are you doing, misleading this fellow.....

and girls don't 'fart', they fluff  ^-^


before vegan, I would NEVER EVER go poop in a public restroom.  now sometimes I go to pee in one and I'm like oh oh, I guess I gotta poop too....oh friends can't get over it cause I had such a poop phobia before!


before vegan, I would NEVER EVER go poop in a public restroom.  now sometimes I go to pee in one and I'm like oh oh, I guess I gotta poop too....oh friends can't get over it cause I had such a poop phobia before!

I thought it was soo weird that people could go at school and stuff... one of my friends would always sit on the toilet (no paper) and I'd be like...ew, are you kidding me? <<I only know this because a lot of the time we'd both go into the big stall at the end of the school br, because the lines would be like 17 people long. Girls+mirrors+makeup+break= MASSIVE PILEUP @ B-ROOM!


Yeah, I'm like 4 times/day minimum. Once AS SOON as I wake up, then some more in the morning..then later on. I've been having to poop at work EVERY least once...which is quite annoying, but fine. Patrick has perfect poops (one piece, etc.)..I don't have that...but I do have lots o' poop. I kinda want that I?

Hmm, is the pooping first thing in the morning normal?  That has been happening to me, and it has been weirding me out.


so funny! one of the first things I do when I geet to work is poo & then I check email & vegweb, so of course I thought it was hilarious that this was the first topic that popped up! I've always eaten plenty of fruits & veggies, so I never really understood why it takes some people so long.

The only bad thing is my toliet is one of those water saver ones & gets clogged easily (which is why I wait until I'm at work to poo in the morning!)


yeah, that sticker is going on the back of my mini van!
did you actually see the sticker on a car? I would have waited for the owners to come out and tried to be bffs with them.
a t shirt might be better!
where did you find that?

im laughing so hard about the pic of ac's poo
you can send it to me!

did i find this on the last poo thread on vegweb? this cracks me up. i have to get one for my brother.

l2a, your poo satisfaction cracks me up! I actually saw a bumper sticker a while back that said "Im vegan, I poop three times a day minimum." I totally thought of you saying that, lol!

I am also quick and on schedule  ;)b Every morning after my first cup of tea and then in the afternoon. I always feel like I should sit there longer and chill...but I know its all out and good.

eta: goes to locate sticker....

Found it! I know there is a different one out there somewhere...

OMG! the turd twister is too insane! I have to get one for my brother, he would crack up! Of course, he's an omni, but he loves to talk about his huge bm's...

No, L2A. I didn't see the bumper sticker on a car...too bad, cuz I would have definitely followed them home and we would have become bff's, lol! I did see a different one online somewhere, I think it had little poo poo piles on it instead of the 3 rolls of tp. :>


my brother too!
i meant to get one for him for his 40th but i forgot. i might just throw one in the mail at him.
i got him a WMMS shirt instead.....the morning zoo show! we used to listen to it when we were kids in cleveland-and hadn't thought about it in years! is it still on? 101 fm


before vegan, I would NEVER EVER go poop in a public restroom.  now sometimes I go to pee in one and I'm like oh oh, I guess I gotta poop too....oh friends can't get over it cause I had such a poop phobia before!

I still have a bit of a phobia about it. I hate having to do it. I don't like the sounds..

Hmm, is the pooping first thing in the morning normal?  That has been happening to me, and it has been weirding me out.

I dunno about "normal," but it's normal for me. I don't see any problem with it.

I did see a different one online somewhere, I think it had little poo poo piles on it instead of the 3 rolls of tp. :>

I have piles! Look up piles, pp.


i am much more regular since being vegan too.  it's pretty rad.  except on the weekends, where nothing i do makes poop happen.  which bugs me.  my bf poops 3 times a day for SURE, i must get him that sticker.  he poops like 20 minutes after every meal.  sometimes i go 2+ times a day, but more usually it's just 1.  but it's not smelly anymore, which is rad.  i poop rainbows.


many years ago, I went to visit my friend in Boston at her parents house.  I had to use the hall bathroom, and I didn't go poop the WHOLE week because of my poop phobia!  On the plane home I start getting stomach pains so bad, I can barely sit down.  I had a layover in atlanta, and didn't have a choice about going or not.  It was very traumatic, and I think there was crying involved....... :D


Is it b/c of the sound? Or what?


I have a poop phobia.  If I'm traveling, I may not poop the whole time and be in misery by the time I get home.  Interestingly, everyone poops at work, me included.  It's a regular poop fest there.  I don't know why that's the exception.  It's a multistall restroom, so it's not that it's somehow private.

I poop in the morning, about a half an hour after I wake up.  I like it.  It gets me ready for the day.  I'm only a once or twice a day pooper.  It's quick.  I'm in and out, and I don't linger.


many years ago, I went to visit my friend in Boston at her parents house.  I had to use the hall bathroom, and I didn't go poop the WHOLE week because of my poop phobia!  On the plane home I start getting stomach pains so bad, I can barely sit down.  I had a layover in atlanta, and didn't have a choice about going or not.  It was very traumatic, and I think there was crying involved....... :D

i don't poop when i travel.  at all.  whether i'm staying in a hotel, with my parents, or with friends, i just do not have the urge the entire time.  granted, by the time i get home, i'm so bloated and in pain that i would give ANYthing for a good poop, but by that time i'm so backed up it takes a full day of tummy massages and tea drinking to get me back on schedule.  we've gone to nyc for 3 days the past 2 years, and all bf and i do there is basically kill time in between giant meals  since there is so much we can actually eat there, and it always ends in me being totally jealous of his digestive system and hating mine to the max.  i'm not sure why this happens.  i think it's anxiety related, even though i have no fear of going in a public restroom.  it. just. doesn't. happen.  ugh. 


I have the travel-poopa-phobia too.
I don't enjoy pooping anywhere except my own house. For the most part, I never have to go unless I am at home (i've trained my body). When I'm away for the weekend I either don't go or if I do, it's kind of messy! Check my profile-I even mention the fear of public restrooms!


Now I want an IWP bumper sticker.


my brother too!
i meant to get one for him for his 40th but i forgot. i might just throw one in the mail at him.
i got him a WMMS shirt instead.....the morning zoo show! we used to listen to it when we were kids in cleveland-and hadn't thought about it in years! is it still on? 101 fm

OMG! L2a, you're so local! I wish you/at least some of your family were still here! Yes, WMMS is still going strong. Although, I don't like it as much as when I was younger. They've changed the format and I never listen to the radio in the morning cuz I despise morning DJ's...


Now I want an IWP bumper sticker.

Haha!  I want to be friends with this guy!


When I was little my grandparents loved to go camping.  Of course my parents thought this was a cool thing and regularly sent my twin and I along.  Which was a good thing except the campgrounds they usually chose didn't have flush toilets.  It was always outhouses with the hole on the wooden plank kind of thing.  Needless to say my twin and I always came home constipated because we refused to use them.  The smell and also just the plain nastiness of the sounds using an outhouse grossed us out.  So for years my twin and I would never use public restooms because we were convinced they were all outhouses.  If you've ever travelled to northern michigan you'd know this to be a true.

Now however, after developing Crohn's Disease as a teenager, I go whenever and wherever.  The bathroom is the first thing I look for when I go someplace.  You can definately say I've conquered my fear of public bathrooms.  However, I do keep a small pack of toliet seat covers, a small emergency roll of tp and a small bottle of anti-bacterial gel in my purse in case the public bathroom I have to use is beyond disgusting.



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