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I recently watched a very interesting program on TV about sungazing. Basically you stand on earth barefoot (preferrably not grass) and gaze directly into the sun (usually around sunrise or sunset). You start with 5 seconds and increase it by 5 seconds per day, working up to a maximum of 44 minutes daily. It is supposed to give you endless energy and heal all sorts of illness and disease. The guy that the show was about, who is kind of the "leader" if you will, started sungazing many years ago and has reportedly eaten NO solid food in years and states it has been documented by many doctors, etc. It sounds a bit strange to me, but I find it interesting. Has anyone heard of it or tried it? I would like to hear some input on what ya'll think about it! You can search google or yahoo for it and get some pretty good websites if you need more info.

Looking into the sun---> bad
not eating food----> bad


sounds dangerous...

aaaand there's really no physiologic basis to exposing your retinas to sunlight for energy/curing disease... =/


I watched that show too!  I know that old man was super strong, but he looked sickly and much older than he was weird.


but he looked sickly and much older than he was weird.

but not surprising?


but he looked sickly and much older than he was weird.

but not surprising?

well, it surprised me that he was so strong...for such a feeble looking old man who doesn't eat and just stares at the sun all day.  I don't remember if they drink water or not....he looked very dry and dehydrated, like leather.  I didn't watch it all, it didn't hold my interest.


I didn't watch the whole thing either...yes he drinks water and does do coffee and tea occasionally. And I guess once you reach the 44 minutes per day, you stop and never do it again because you're at your fullest energy potential and from then on you are supposed to walk on the earth barefooted for like 45 minutes/day. The 44 min cap is to prevent damage to your eyes and of course they tell you not to do it in the middle of the day when the sun is strongest. I was just curious...doesn't it kinda make you think though?!


Sounds like breatharians.


Sounds like bulllllllllll shit


I don't watch television, so I didn't see it. Sounds exceedingly suspicious though.

Personally, I like being able to see, so I wouldn't want to lose that. I also enjoy eating -- food tastes good to me -- so I don't want to stop that. What was the point of sungazing, again?

On the other hand, walking barefoot, e.g. on a sand beach, at sunrise (not looking directly at the sun, but enjoying the overall colors) for 45 minutes each day sounds nice. Maybe just pretend you are already at maximum energy potential and skip ahead to that part.


On the other hand, walking barefoot, e.g. on a sand beach, at sunrise (not looking directly at the sun, but enjoying the overall colors) for 45 minutes each day sounds nice. Maybe just pretend you are already at maximum energy potential and skip ahead to that part.


Well don't get me wrong, I wasn't endorsing it in anyway I was just curious if anyone had even heard of this before... I like food WAY too much to stop eating, but maybe that's part of my problem  ;D

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