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Exercise and sickness

I am wondering how people treat their exercise routines when they are sick.  I am stubborn and want to believe that I can still mildly exercise when I am sick...  I am talking about mild sicknesses, like colds, feeling under the weather, etc...

So, do you stop exercising or reduce exercising when sick?

My exercise consists of running and doing yoga, each of which i do two or three times a week. Also I walk between 1 and 3 miles a day just in my daily movements from work to school to home to whatever so when I'm feeling under the weather I don't feel badly about skipping a "workout" as I'm normally still walking a few miles and getting out in the air. I'm interested as well in hearing what others have to say about this!


Depends on the illness, maybe... I think that for serious illnesses, like heart disease/ diabetes/ cancer/ etc., there's some good research showing physical activity affecting positive disease outcomes. From a rehab professional's viewpoint, physical activity definitely slows the progression of Alzheimer's & speeds recovery after stroke-- then again, maybe there's times when it's better to conserve energy & stay in bed...

For me, if it's just a cold, I'll still work out, though maybe lower intensity/ less time... fever, I just stay in bed & try to sleep through it. I'm also curious as to how others approach this issue...


i can't even remember the last time i was sick, but i would rest.


When I'm sick I limit my outdoor activity like taking long walks and such. Depending on how awful I feel, I may not do any exercise at all...I end up feeling guilty for not doing anything though. I know I shouldn't because your body needs rest while sick, but that's just me.


Well... the only reason I cut out my cardio recently when I got sick was because my nose just seemed to FLOW while I ran. It was just gross. But it's usually beneficial to workout as long as your lungs are healthy and your stomach isn't upset (if you have the "urpies" (vomits) or diarrhea).

haha and yes we are all healthy vegans here. no more getting sick!


I'm fabulously healthy.  I've had the flu twice and stopped exercising to rest because I was just too tired.

For the common cold, I do exercise through that with maybe a lighter routine.

Fortunately I haven't had the cold or flu for at least 2 or more years. 


As soon as I commented on this, I got sick for the first time in four years. Strep throat. It didn't help that I was running in -5 degree weather with it. I suggest rest, no matter how much you want to get out there. It'll just take longer to get better if you try to work out. Sleep. And sleep well.

This. Particularly with a fever. Your body is fighting to get you well...give it a chance. Rest and drink fluids and give yourself a break.


I did quite a bit of sports in high school and college.  My advice is if you have the flu DO NOT EXERCISE!!! Most people don't think about it, but influenza can affect your muscles.  Your heart is a muscle.  If strained while ill, you can cause damage or even have cardiac arrest.  It's not a great chance.  However, it is still a risk.  Also, the chances that your influenza will develop into pnemonia or bronchitis goes up quite a bit. 

There are a few times that I still trained/competed when ill and developed upper repritory infections.  Trust me, it is not worth it.  Taking a week off for the flu is fine.  Waiting until you are well will not through off your exercise routine.


I haven't actually had flu since 2000. But I enjoyed the time off because I had been overworking as usual and it was the perfect reason to lie in bed for a week or so and do nothing. And having a high fever made it possible for me to understand a bizarre 1970's French spy thriller movie that I had seen when "sober" (I mean well and unfevered) and it had left me completely adrift. I lay there and it made perfect sense and I thought, "Oh God, I must be about to die."  :-D I had like a 104º fever.

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