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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

UGA fans.


When I'm in the middle of making lentil bolognese and realize I don't have any lentils.  :-\ Luckily, my mung bean bolognese turned out pretty good...but took a lot longer to cook.


When i start working on a paper reallyyy early and am doing reallyyy good and then tons of arguing starts next to me so i lose all focus and get really mad and leave the house. Then when i come back i cannot even think about the topic at all and sit here for hours with a completely blank and only one more sentence to show from it..


I hate it when people answer text messages or mess around on their fancy-shmancy phones while in the middle of a conversation with me. It irks me to no end. When I'm speaking with someone (especially about something important!), they have my full attention. The cell phone is put away, my eyes are directed toward them, and my attention is on what they are saying. Texting while someone is speaking to you is a rude, passive way of saying:  "You're boring me, so I'm going to pretend I'm listening to what you're saying and talk to someone else instead." :boooo:


Or when they call you on a landline, and are talking to you, and their mobile they cut off the conversation with you to take the mobile call. Is there any better way to say, "Anyone else is sooo much more important than you, even though I called you first?"


When it is early :/


Corrolary to the phonecall thing: Someone comes up to you in a gathering and asks you about something. You start to answer them, and someone else comes up and interrupts, and starts talking to the person who asked you the question. The person turns and walks away with the interrupter, leaving you feeling stupid, with your mouthful of words. The answer the person asked you for.

It's even worse when you're the one who asks someone for important information, and they turn away midsentence and walk off with the interrupter, leaving you standing there. Like, "Oh, whatever...this person who interrupted me is more important."


When you go to bed because it is after 2am and you are tired, but right when you get in bed you wake up right when you lay down and dont get to sleep foreverrr and could've done your paper in the time you spent texting in bed.


UGA fans.

Ditto...and I'll add Clemson fans to that!  ha.


Atlanta drivers. Especially the ones with UGA insignia on them.


Atlanta drivers. Especially the ones with UGA insignia on them.

What is uga?!?!


University of Georgia.


But I'm always to afraid to tell them off - I don't want to get stabbed or anything horrid.

Yeah..the trains are a little scary sometimes.  When my sister and I first got on the train to Deal...a fight broke out between 2 men in the aisle right where we were sitting.  Julie was almost hit about 5 times.  They ended up arresting one of the guys and his friends at the next station and we had to get on a new train to continue our journey. 


Like, 70 dollars in "insufficient funds fees" on my MCC card, when right next to the 20 dollar purchase and fee it says i had over 200 dollars in my account at the time.


Nickelback.  If anyone has a silencing potion/spell lying around, feel free to throw it Chad Kroeger's way.


Nickelback.  If anyone has a silencing potion/spell lying around, feel free to throw it Chad Kroeger's way.

Hell yes!  I think we're on the same wave length.


People who incessantly text message during class. Especially if said offender complains about not doing well in the class.


People who stereotype and are hypocritical. Example.

I got on to my deviantart account and saw that I have a new watcher. I click on the person's account and immediately see his most recent journal entry..

"Okay, so I just saw an interesting photo by Dr-Benway:

According to the artist "Meat is murder". Now they professed that they were not trying to preach, and yet stating something like that clearly shows that he/she is some kind of activist promoting vegetarianism/veganism.

So my thoughts on that are as such;
Everything - and I mean everything - kills in order to eat; in order to live. Now vegetarians will preach about the rights of the animal and it's wrong to kill them to eat them... whatever. Stop talking bullshit. They clearly didn't pay attention in Biology class. Plant life - including vegetables (dumbasses) - is also ALIVE! Except what vegetarians don't seem to realise is that the plants (vegetables) they eat are essentially still alive while they are being eaten or cooked. When I eat meat, at least I know that it's dead before it's prepared to eat.

Vegetarianism is not as morally justified as it's been made out to be. To me it shows a degree of short-sighted closed-mindedness to the degree that the value of life is only determined by whether or not it is sentient. So in essence, vegetarianism/veganism is nothing more than hypocritical crap.

Plus, a great deal of the essential minerals and proteins that the body requires are found in meat, fish and poultry. To deny your body of such things is immoral in itself. But whatever, spend a fortune on supplements that you could get naturally without having to pay out the nose for.


I was going to tell him thanks for the watch. Instead, I told him, "Thanks for the watch, sort of. :/  Vegetarian here. And I don't preach. I know people have the right to choose for themselves. Your post seemed highly hypocritical in the "preaching" department."



what a moron


Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

My fiance jiggles his legs CONSTANTLY and it drives me completely insane!!!!! It makes me feel dizzy and nauseous for some reason. I bitch at him and he used to take it, but now he snaps back with, "I don't complain about your little quirks, do I??" He's got a point, I guess, but ick. It still goes right through me when he does it. That, and when he eats something crunchy, like chips. The bag rustles and his jaw clicks, and he crunches SO loud. People's eating noises bother me in general. It's not just him.  ::) I couldn't love him more.



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