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Reasons to Cry Like a Baby

("frown" didn't seem adequate)

I had to put my sweet black dog to sleep yesterday... knew it was coming-- she was 14, & had been treated for lymphoma for the past several months-- but it just never gets any easier. We were friends a long damn time, and I miss her very much. Pics & FB eulogy here:

Many of the 2-legged creatures in my3-D world fail to understand the sadness magnitude of this event... like, "that's too bad, oh well she was old"... then I kick them in the shins/ balls, and go back to bed.

Cyberhugs needed.

Just be glad you don't work for them anymore, Jess. They ob-vi-ous-ly have severe problems with the perception of adult reality. If you'd stayed there you might have ended up in pieces in the dumpster some dark rainy night after you had somehow managed to "offend" them.


No kidding.  She reminds me of Gaddafi's DIL who poured boiling water on the nanny for not keeping a child from crying.


Jessi, what strikes me with your story is how loyal your customers were to you!  "we were not going to stop but we thought we saw your car".  WOW!  Your ex bosses lost a gem and don't have the brain to know it.  Avoid them.  It is not worth the grief for you.

You are on my hero list along with others who do elder care.  I could not do it.  I tried.  No, you are not a charity case.  If anything, your mom is getting better care because you are family and will go the extra mile quicker than a random employee. 

My reason to cry:  Fortunately, I took my shower first thing this morning.  Just as DH was getting out of the shower, DS17 was pounding on the bedroom door telling us there was a problem.  He had knocked the lid to the toilet tank behind the toilet and it hit/broke the pipe in the wall.  I ran downstairs to turn off the water but not before it was leaking into the garage.  We had to empty 1/2 the stuff from the garage to keep it from being destroyed including 6 boxes of stuff that belong to a homeless relative who is on parole out of state.  So I am sitting in a house with dishes to do, laundry to wash . . . and no running water until we can get a plumber to the house.  Of course, this was before breakfast was made.


Thanks guys, i am glad i am out, and have been... just figured it was normal to claim unemployment if you paid into it forever, and you couldn't find work after a couple of months. i feel as though they treated me like i killed their first born. at one point she was screaming at me about how my reason for quitting (me not wanting to bartend) was in her mind Bullshit, b/c i am the one who "told them" to start serving. well, yeah i did, not b/c i wanted to serve personally, but that was the very thing that would keep the business alive, fuck them.

semi, that sucks......... :(


good news, the plumber has come and gone.  Now to assess the damage to the house.  laundry and dishes, here I come  :(


hope the damage is minimal sv.

update, i filed a police report, and deleted her off my friends list.


Thanks, everyone. Boogie's absence has left a glaring hole in the beauty of this place... like even the sunshine and tall grass doesn't look right without that little dog running and rolling around in it. What's especially sad is that Mingus (one of Our other doggies) is starting to understand and he's moping around and clearly very depressed about his first girlfriend's disappearance.
And You're right, Yabbit-- some would argue that We should have kept her locked up inside, or on a short chain far from the road, or inside a fence. But anyone who could have seen the way she hopped through the grass and ran around in the woods would have known why that was out of the question. *sigh* ...the perils of having animals out in the country...

And I'm still grieving for my little rat Scuffernon, who died on August 25th. Boogie was the third animal We buried this year.

Jess, everyone knows You did the right thing. It's just too bad people have to treat You with such disrespect and contempt because... why? I dunno, maybe she's really unhappy about her job/relationship/whatever. bleh. You're better off now, that's for sure.


CW sorry for your losses.  Jess, people like that are terrible they did lose a good thing and haven't even realized it yet.


update, i filed a police report, and deleted her off my friends list.

damn girl, good for you! i cannot understand why some people are so malicious... sigh


jess, i can't believe that. what awful people!


it's rediculous, i am done with them and all of that. I am working a great job now, that also gives me all the time to hang out with my family. I also make way more than i did. screw them! :D thank you everyone for the support. I love you vw peeps, so often you are the voice of reason to make me feel like i am not completely insane.


So my uncle died this morning from stage four lung cancer and lymphoma.  It hasen't even been a year that my dad died and now one of his baby brothers has gone to be with him.  My dads family has suffered a lot this year.  Then I also find out that they found out his sister my aunt has another ovarian cancer tumor.  I still haven't been able to deal with my dads death all that well maybe because I took care of him the last three years?  This sucks. 


So my uncle died this morning from stage four lung cancer and lymphoma.  It hasen't even been a year that my dad died and now one of his baby brothers has gone to be with him.  My dads family has suffered a lot this year.  Then I also find out that they found out his sister my aunt has another ovarian cancer tumor.  I still haven't been able to deal with my dads death all that well maybe because I took care of him the last three years?  This sucks. 

So so sorry... that's too much grief & loss for one family, in one year.  :( 


larisuena, i am so sorry for your immense losses. I really hope the tragities stop soon so you and your family can grieve properly.


larisuena, i'm so sorry. <3


Oh larisuena, I'm so sorry for Your loss.
I wish cancer would just go away.


Thank you all!!  I know we can get through this as a family but, I don't think it's something you ever really get over.


i got written up at work today :(


i got written up at work today :(

For what?

ETA...sounds a little suspicious since you just went to HR.  Is your boss retaliating against you because she got reamed for not taking your harrassment seriously?


What the hell amy?! do tell.



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