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Raw food diet = eating raw meat????

OK, so, today I was reading the Women's Health magazine, and I came across a question this lady asked a nutritionist about eating a raw diet, and if it was healthy or not. You can imagine my surprise when the nutritionist answered that eating raw meat and unpastuerized foods was not healthy! I thought, whoa! Did this nutritionist just imply that eating raw meat was part of a raw diet?? So, I wrote her an e-mail and basically told her that I didn't believe she had done any research regarding the diet, and had she done so, she would've discovered that a raw food diet is vegan, and has nothing to do with meat. Low and behold, she wrote me back and stated she had done her research, and that there are raw foodists who are not vegan, but do eat meat! I was a bit surprised! Apparently Carol Alt is one. She had sent me a link regarding it (wikipedia). I'm curious if anyone here was aware of such a thing because I certainly was not aware of that. I suppose if I had done more research instead of firing her off an e-mail, perhaps I wouldn't have done so in the first place. I think it's absolutely disgusting!! Nevermind eating cooked meat, but raw!!?? Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone was aware of that? Or am I the only ignorant one? Maybe it's because vegans are more verbal about it????  :o ???

I thought eating raw meat makes one sick - as in loopy tunes. That's what House said anyway.


When I was raw and malnourished, I started eating meat again because beef jerky is considered raw.  If you dehydrate something and keep it below a certain temperature it's in the raw category.  Some people also eat raw fish.


When I was raw and malnourished, I started eating meat again because beef jerky is considered raw.  If you dehydrate something and keep it below a certain temperature it's in the raw category.  Some people also eat raw fish.

I suppose beef jerky would be raw, and yes, raw fish (sushi). I guess I was thinking more along the lines of a raw steak, or raw chicken, stuff like that..


Yeah, I watched Wife Swap (or maybe it was Trading Spouses) and one of the families lived on a self sustained raw diet. They ate raw meat and eggs, and drank unpasteurized milk. It was kind of sick and the new mom didn't want to eat any of it. Understandably.

Wow! That is sick! I guess I'm just must more familiar with David Wolfe and the vegan raw diet. I guess you also learn something new everyday..


I have heard of some Russian cusine that has raw meat in it...but *eew*!!!


The raw egg and meat thing is gross, but baking soda is a great cleaner!


The raw egg and meat thing is gross, but baking soda is a great cleaner!

Oh yes, baking soda is awesome!  My cleaning products, etc. primarily consist of baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice and Dr. Brommers soap.  Nice and clean without any harsh, toxic chemicals. :)


i don't think it's any grosser than eating cooked meat... and although i think meat is unethical it still, after six years away from it, doesn't strike me as gross... i mean, if the meat is clean -- if you just killed the cow yourself -- is there really danger there?  i was under the impression that all the nasty bacteria and such of meat came from our modern farming, butchering and distribution practices.  Is salmonella an issue with fresh eggs from healthy chickens?


actually i saw a thing on the news this morning, there was a woman there talking about a raw diet, and she ate sushi and steak tartar (raw horsemeat) adn stuff.  there's "raw" and "raw vegan" i guess


I don't know about the raw diet but someone did tell me they ate raw ground beef as a snack once.


THere's actually a doctor and his group that are raw foodists as in raw fruits/vegs/eggs/meat.
He choose that diet for some reason actually based on scientific findings.  how MUCH is based on it I  don't know.
Anyway, he's doing quite well last I heard, but that's as far as I know since I'm not particularly interested.

Culturally, raw beef is eaten in Korea and Japan.  "sakura" sashimi (raw horse) is also served in Japan.  Of course, raw eggs and raw fish in Japan too.  (goes without saying)

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Raw definitely does not mean vegan. Raw diets can consist of whatever raw food they choose. There is raw milk, jerky (raw!) and all kinds of non-veg*n stuff.


i don't think it's any grosser than eating cooked meat... and although i think meat is unethical it still, after six years away from it, doesn't strike me as gross... i mean, if the meat is clean -- if you just killed the cow yourself -- is there really danger there?  i was under the impression that all the nasty bacteria and such of meat came from our modern farming, butchering and distribution practices.  Is salmonella an issue with fresh eggs from healthy chickens?

yes, there can definitely be bacteria in the healthy/fresh things, but it is less likely. the diseases occur naturally but they are spread easily b/c of modern farming/butchering/distribution practices; therefore, they are much more abundant now.

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