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Newly Vegan

I have been vegan for about 3 months but was a vegetarian previously. I would just like to know if anyone has any suggestions on how to still get my iron needs (in particular) but anything else i could possibly lacking such as the right good and bad fats intake, etc. Id love to hear from you about this....

Thanks everyone :)

raw cacao. mmm.  it has about 300% of your daily iron needs.  yummmmyyy.  mix that with some avocado to make a rich chocolatey fondue and you have an iron rich, fatty fondue thats so healthy you can eat it for breakfast over some fruit.


raw cacao. mmm.  it has about 300% of your daily iron needs.  yummmmyyy.  mix that with some avocado to make a rich chocolatey fondue and you have an iron rich, fatty fondue thats so healthy you can eat it for breakfast over some fruit.

whoa! why didn't you tell me this before?!?!? That sounds delightful

As for me, I know my iron happens to be ok because I had a recent checkup, but I take a multi (with iron) with dinner when I remember plus the heaviest days of my period or if im running alot & feel tired I take an iron supplement in the AM. chocolate & avocado sounds much tastier though!


It is much easier to get your iron as a vegan than as an ovo-lacto veg. This is because dairy contains no iron, whereas meat does. So, many ovo-lactos are iron deficient when they replace meat w/dairy. However, vegans eat lots of iron rich foods (beans, greens, grains, tofu, etc.). I know my iron levels went way up when I became vegan 17 yrs. ago, and have been fine ever since.
Good luck! ;)b


It is much easier to get your iron as a vegan than as an ovo-lacto veg. This is because dairy contains no iron, whereas meat does. So, many ovo-lactos are iron deficient when they replace meat w/dairy. However, vegans eat lots of iron rich foods (beans, greens, grains, tofu, etc.). I know my iron levels went way up when I became vegan 17 yrs. ago, and have been fine ever since.
Good luck! ;)b

True that!  Also, it's important to eat lots of vitamin C rich foods because vitamin C helps with iron absorption!  More fruit....dang..... ;D

You shouldn't have a problem unless you already had problems with anemia in the past.  Another thing to note is that caffeine and calcium block iron absorption, so you shouldn't eat those at the same time you eat iron-rich foods if you can help it.  I have always had problems with anemia since I was little, so I try to avoid coffee and tea (except herbal). 

For nutrition info, you should check out the book Becoming Vegan.  It has everything you need to know about nutrition.  It's great.


raw cacao. mmm.  it has about 300% of your daily iron needs.  yummmmyyy.  mix that with some avocado to make a rich chocolatey fondue and you have an iron rich, fatty fondue thats so healthy you can eat it for breakfast over some fruit.

Uh, yum!  I never knew this either!  *runs off to WF to try and find raw cacao*


raw cacao. mmm.  it has about 300% of your daily iron needs.  yummmmyyy.  mix that with some avocado to make a rich chocolatey fondue and you have an iron rich, fatty fondue thats so healthy you can eat it for breakfast over some fruit.

Whao! Avocado and chocolate are like, my two favorite food groups. Can you post a recipe or instructions for how you do this? I'm intrigued.

Not to hijack your thread, wiersmak. Congrats on becoming vegan.


raw cacao. mmm.  it has about 300% of your daily iron needs.  yummmmyyy.  mix that with some avocado to make a rich chocolatey fondue and you have an iron rich, fatty fondue thats so healthy you can eat it for breakfast over some fruit.

Whao! Avocado and chocolate are like, my two favorite food groups. Can you post a recipe or instructions for how you do this? I'm intrigued.

Not to hijack your thread, wiersmak. Congrats on becoming vegan.

I'm so intrigued! Yes, please post info - does it have to be raw cacao, and where the heck would you find that (and how much does it cost?)

And a belated welcome to veganism, wiersmak!


thanks alot for all of your help guys. It definately helps.  ;)b



I've never had low Iron, and my omni family members do. Some of it may be just the genetic luck of the draw - but a vegan diet is as good or better for Iron than an omni diet is. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it tests low. Lentils are a great Iron source, as well as a great protein source - they are a staple for me.

Other possible things to watch for - in addition to the oft repeated  b-12, and Calcium (there's some controversy on this, but to be on the safe side a supplement doesn't hurt), you may need to watch your vitamin D. Most Americans get vitamin D from fortified milk and/or fatty fish. Your body will naturally make it even if you don't consume any, if you get sufficient sun exposure. However, that's a problem for me because I have a medical problem that keeps me from being in the sun. If you don't go out in the sun, or live in a Northern climate (or southern hemisphere) - you may want to supplement that.

Many, if not most vegans are fine with no supplementation at all, and vegans probably should worry less about nutrition than the average person on the standard American diet, but if there are any issues, the above ones are the most common.

Best wishes in your new vegan life. 


RAW chocolate fondue

2 ripe avocados
1 c agave
1/2 raw ground cacao nibs (they have the most iron)

combine all ingredients in a processor and pulse until combined.  if you just blend it real fast without pulsing it, it loses some of its nutritious benefits.

i got this recipe from a raw uncooking class.  enjoy!


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