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blanching tofu

After reading appetite for reduction I thought I'd try Isa's method for blanching tofu to get rid of the "soy beany" taste.
I gotta be honest I think its pretty icky tasting when trying to make mayonaise and sour cream etc. out of silken tofu cause I can't seem to get past that taste!
I gave it a try and I'm not too sure if it made much of a difference.. perhaps in my desperation for a low fat alternative to vegan mayo or sour cream.( In the uk I don't
think they've caught on to the idea of low fat vegan alternatives yet .. apart from soya milk.)
Anyone had any success in this method?
Or the same distaste for the beany undertone?

Nope, but I've never tried to make any of those things.  I like Veganaise for a mayo sub. I have tried them all and it is the only brand out there that doesn't have that nasty taste.  And it has to be the original, too.  The organic (unfortunately) has the bad taste, for some weird reason.  I've never found a commercial vegan sour cream or cream cheese that was decent.


I have blanched silken tofu for a cream cheese frosting recipe from Candle Cafe's cookbook.  I thought that it improved the flavor, but maybe that was because there was a lot going on in the recipe?

Yeah same ! thats why i wasnt too sure, i think on its own its not that great, but when you mix it in with another food item or a meal, its not that bad.
I do believe it may reduce some of that weird taste. But not entirely. However tofu as a creamy base for soups, and pasta sauces I can never pick up on it :)
Just condiments and dips and such..


honestly i think any vegan "cheese" or "mayo" (except reduced fat vegenaise) or "sour cream" is kinda gross on it's own... i always add it to a dish that will mask the flavor a bit... though after 2 years of being vegan... i love vegan cream cheese... i can drink pretty much any non dairy milk and always have been able to (unless it is unsweetened)... i think tofutti sour cream is an awesome replacement for sour cream in dips... by itself, hell to the no... i haven't had success in making these vegan alternatives on my own, but store bought are def legit!

so anyways... never tried blanching tofu... sounds weird lol

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