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Vegan on the Cheap

Anyone have this cookbook by the ever prolific Robin Robinson yet?  I need another cookbook like a hole in the head, but it was onsale at the mainstream grocery store for 25% off and I couldn't resist.  In the beginning the gives some tips about saving money and that being vegan doesn't have to break the bank.  Supposedly the recipes never cost more than $2.00 per serving.  Looks good.  There's a lo mein recipe I might try soon.

Oo, that pepperoni looks and sounds great.  I used to love pepperoni pizza as a kid - it was the only kind I would eat.  I have this book from the library, and that might be the first recipe I'll try!


whoa! I need this book!


My husband was looking at this book and was wondering what recipe was on the cover, because it looked like it had cheese on it.  Trying to find what page the recipe was on, we found instead that the photo was credited to Getty Images, a stock photo company.  We searched through the Getty website and found the photo in question -- IT'S A PHOTO OF ORZO SALAD WITH FETA!!

If you're going to use a stock photo for the cover of your vegan cookbook, couldn't you at least pick a photo of something vegan??  WTF Robin Robertson.


Bump.  Doesn't anyone care about the non-vegan cover photo?


I don't think it's because people don't care, I'd put it to when they re-did the format of the forums they added way too many boards and now a lot of threads don't get read. 

Wiley doesn't have an email address, but here are ways to contact them:!/JohnWileySons
or there 8a-8p eastern phone number 800-597-3299


Bump.  Doesn't anyone care about the non-vegan cover photo?

Yeah, this forum and it's individual threads aren't viewed that much. 

Read it yesterday but didn't comment.  My reaction is kind of meh...sorry, but there's no outrage.  I would like to hear their explanation though because that it wrong to put cheese on the cover of a vegan cookbook.  If you find anything out please post it.  Crazy.


Bump.  Doesn't anyone care about the non-vegan cover photo?

Yeah, this forum and it's individual threads aren't viewed that much.  

Read it yesterday but didn't comment.  My reaction is kind of meh...sorry, but there's no outrage.  I would like to hear their explanation though because that it wrong to put cheese on the cover of a vegan cookbook.  If you find anything out please post it.  Crazy.

I'm not too upset about it either. I didn't even notice the offending cheese until I saw the comment on this thread. I think it's a simple case of the cover designer not putting two and two together. It happens...

On a different note, would anyone be interested in having a review thread (with all the recipes listed out in the beginning of the thread) for this cookbook? Allychristine hasn't made one for this cookbook, and I'd be willing to type it all out if people are interested.


Umm..don't you think that the *author* should take an interest in what's on the cover?


I think it was an honest oversight on Robin's part.  Not the end of the world by any means.  Personally, I feel there are much more important things to get worked up about, although I also think VegRunSki and her husband are pretty slick for catching this mistake!  :)

I like the book.  I like the recipes.  Most recent recipes made are:

Baked Seitan Loaf-  I think that this will be my new go-to seitan recipe.  Easy to make, results in a firm seitan loaf, good for slicing, cubing for recipes, etc.

Close to Mom's Sausage Patties- I made these into links.  I inadvertently put all the olive oil into the recipe (some is supposed to be set aside for frying purposes).  The result was still good.  Next time will be better when I get it right!  I think these are at least as good as any vegan links I'd get in the store, and much cheaper.

Both recipes doubled and freeze well.


I think it's lame that a stock photo was used at all (let alone a not vegan one!). Why wouldn't she just take a photo of her own food?


Umm..don't you think that the *author* should take an interest in what's on the cover?

I think it's lame that a stock photo was used at all (let alone a not vegan one!). Why wouldn't she just take a photo of her own food?

For sure.

 Sometimes though publishers and marketing departments make these decisions to make the book sell, and the author is powerless and out of the loop, so I'd reserve my judgement against her.   There's probably more to the story than we're privy too, but I would like to know what she thinks and how cheese got on a vegan cookbook.


Umm..don't you think that the *author* should take an interest in what's on the cover?

I think it's lame that a stock photo was used at all (let alone a not vegan one!). Why wouldn't she just take a photo of her own food?

For sure.

Sometimes though publishers and marketing departments make these decisions to make the book sell, and the author is powerless and out of the loop, so I'd reserve my judgement against her.  There's probably more to the story than we're privy too, but I would like to know what she thinks and how cheese got on a vegan cookbook.

Just coming in here, since I just made a review list, but this is very odd! Pretty disappointing that a stock photo was use! Strange to me. Hmmmm.


Close to Mom's Sausage Patties - Soooooo tasty! Instead of mashing the beans (Used cannellini) I just blended all of the liquids together. I had to add a bit more VWG to get the texture where I wanted it but they came out great.


Umm..don't you think that the *author* should take an interest in what's on the cover?

I think it's lame that a stock photo was used at all (let alone a not vegan one!). Why wouldn't she just take a photo of her own food?

For sure.

Sometimes though publishers and marketing departments make these decisions to make the book sell, and the author is powerless and out of the loop, so I'd reserve my judgement against her.  There's probably more to the story than we're privy too, but I would like to know what she thinks and how cheese got on a vegan cookbook.

Just coming in here, since I just made a review list, but this is very odd! Pretty disappointing that a stock photo was use! Strange to me. Hmmmm.

yeah, it is weird isn't it.  I'm tempted to buy the book since I got it from the library....but for some reason this has made me less enthusiastic about it.


I posted this in the thread for Party Vegan, but I wanted to mention it here, too. Vegan on the Cheap isn't the only book of hers that uses non-vegan stock photos on the cover. I pulled out my copy of Party Vegan today, planning for Passover this week. Looked at the cover with the recent VN scandal fresh in my mind, and decided to do a little research. Checking Getty Images and StockFood turned up every photo on the cover of the book. The ice cream sundae isn't vegan. The tarts in the lower right-hand corner are made with cheese, as are the kebabs in the upper left-hand corner. The image of the chocolates isn't labeled as vegan, therefore said chocolates are almost certainly dairy-laden. How disappointing.


I posted this in the thread for Party Vegan, but I wanted to mention it here, too. Vegan on the Cheap isn't the only book of hers that uses non-vegan stock photos on the cover. I pulled out my copy of Party Vegan today, planning for Passover this week. Looked at the cover with the recent VN scandal fresh in my mind, and decided to do a little research. Checking Getty Images and StockFood turned up every photo on the cover of the book. The ice cream sundae isn't vegan. The tarts in the lower right-hand corner are made with cheese, as are the kebabs in the upper left-hand corner. The image of the chocolates isn't labeled as vegan, therefore said chocolates are almost certainly dairy-laden. How disappointing.

In case you hadn't heard, VegNews has also been criticized recently for using non-vegan stock photos.

Makes me wonder if I should start a vegan stock photo company, haha...  ;)


VN is getting a lot of flack from some self-righteous vegans out there in blogosphere and other websites.  

I can forgive RR because she's the victum of meat eating publishers probably and she hopefully will advocate more for herself when her contract comes up, but the VN thing is a bit more interesting since I'm presuming most of the puslihers are vegan.  It probably saves a lot of time and effort, but the magazine hopefully has learned it's lesson.  

It's not a huge issue for me.


Better Than Take Out TOfu Stirfry

This was really good! We subbed peanut oil for canola, added kale, no broccoli, and used shallots and onions. I added more sugar to the sauce and it made it better. I liked that it made enough sauce-most stir frys I try are too dry.
My tofu was Twin Oaks fine went really well and probably made it better than plain would have been.
I will make this again!!! The whole family liked it, although Lyle had his fried tofu plain (no sauce).


The Nacho Taco Salad is my guilty pleasure! To placate my shame, I use the leftover bean mixture over brown rice. It's a yummy combo!
Nacho Taco Salad by Woobabys, on Flickr



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