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umm, my dog is addicted to poop. yah. kinda gross

Ugh.  So I have 3 dogs (Baby 7yrs, Hannah almost 2yrs, and Bruno 7months)  Baby, a.k.a. BBdog, is a saint.  well...maybe not a 'saint' but she's pretty damn close....she doesn't partake in the poop eating contest that Hannah and Bruno seem to have entered themselves in, so that automatically gives her cool points...
So before we got Bruno, Hannah ate it occasionally, and now, she and Bruno go to drastic measures (that I shall spare you from) to get to it and eat it.
Their food is nutritionally sound, so they aren't trying to 'supplement' their diet.  I'm thinking it's habbit?  I've tried this Rx stuff called Forbid- which is just vital wheat gluten and MSG (also in supermarkets under the name Accent-in the spices aisle- in case anyone wants to try it and save 15-100$) and I've tried adding pumpkin puree to their food, stuff from Petsmart called Nasty Habit, and watching them and picking it up as soon as they go, but even then, (because it's BBdogs that they want- again- eeew) they race to it or wait rightthere to try to get at it.  Even if we let BB out first, they're scratching at the door trying to get at it. 
So, just short of a 12 step program, any ideas on how to make them knock it the hell off?

;D I sympathize, truly I do.  Our chihuahua Tito seems to think the other dogs are soft serve ice cream dispensers.  It sounds like you're doing everything right (sorry, probably not what you want to hear).  Just keep minimizing their opportunities and hopefully they'll get tired of being reprimanded.  Since both of your offenders are young, it may be a phase (here's hoping).  Some dogs just will not be swayed; when I catch Tito in the act he skitters off, looking guilty, but nothing dims his enthusiasm for poo.  Dogs are gross...or more accurately, nothing is gross to a dog.  Best of luck.  Great user name btw!


I've used the term 'soft serve ice cream dispensers' before.  It's like they can't let it hit the ground or something.  Oh well, at least I'm not alone? ;)


My dog LOVES eating cat poop.
Only cat poop though.


mine do too!, but i put up a baby gate to his 'room'.  no kitty rocha for them.


My dog Jonah eats poop...his poop, his brother's poop, really anyones poop he can get ahold of.
That's usually the only reason he wants to go outside - for 'snacks'.
And if you try to intervene while he's near his 'snack' he will growl and protect it with his's very strange.  It's been going on for about a year now...and he'll be 8 in April.


Ugh.  So I have 3 dogs (Baby 7yrs, Hannah almost 2yrs, and Bruno 7months)  Baby, a.k.a. BBdog, is a saint.  well...maybe not a 'saint' but she's pretty damn close....she doesn't partake in the poop eating contest that Hannah and Bruno seem to have entered themselves in, so that automatically gives her cool points...
So before we got Bruno, Hannah ate it occasionally, and now, she and Bruno go to drastic measures (that I shall spare you from) to get to it and eat it.
Their food is nutritionally sound, so they aren't trying to 'supplement' their diet.  I'm thinking it's habbit?  I've tried this Rx stuff called Forbid- which is just vital wheat gluten and MSG (also in supermarkets under the name Accent-in the spices aisle- in case anyone wants to try it and save 15-100$) and I've tried adding pumpkin puree to their food, stuff from Petsmart called Nasty Habit, and watching them and picking it up as soon as they go, but even then, (because it's BBdogs that they want- again- eeew) they race to it or wait rightthere to try to get at it.  Even if we let BB out first, they're scratching at the door trying to get at it. 
So, just short of a 12 step program, any ideas on how to make them knock it the hell off?

I also think so.

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This makes me feel better, because I was worrying that my dogs were missing out on some nutrient and trying to supplement their diet or something weird. I give them lots of extra fruits and veggies in addition to their vegetarian food, but Oliver just loves poop, mostly his sister's. It grosses me out so bad.


Try adding banana to their food. This put my boys off of the poo eating fetish right away.

My wife laughed and laughed.

She pictured the dogs spitting it out, "Gross...what the hell is this??! BANANA?!?!"

No idea why it works, but it did for us.


Wow, thanks for the banana idea.  I will try this on my dog who's been eating poop fo awhile.


I've read (I forget where) that banana is extremely toxic for dogs.  Then again, one of my dogs ate an entire chocolate cake and was fine.

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