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Don't panic.... NVR Cali, goals thread and more....

I will not be on the board for awhile.  Cali needs my full attention now so my computer time will be very limited.

For all those on the goal thread...keep on reaching for them!  I know you can all get to the place where you want to be.  I am rooting for each and every one of you.  You are all amazing!

Cali is in a not very good place right now so her health is my number one priority.  She will always have a compromised immune system but I have to work hard to get her through this setback.   

Cali and I are both stressed right now.  Cali fighting for her health and me fighting to make her get to it.

I will start taking her for Rife treatments in a week or so.  It seems I never get to sleep anymore.  The Rife treatments are an hours drive away and quite honestly, they put me to sleep.  So driving home at 10:00pm for an hour are somewhat hazardous for me.

A couple of years ago when I took Isabela to Rife, I fell asleep at a red light and put $1900 damage on my car and $800 damage on the guys car I hit.  My vet hates me doing the night rife treatments but as I work in the day, I have no choice.

Love and hugs to you all!

Veg On


P.S. As for the breast enhancement post, I wish my boobs were larger too but as I water them everyday and they don't grow, I figure I am who I am and I am OK with that.  Push up bras...forget it.  I don't like wearing bras.

As well adamcrisis stated a very important fact...any guy worth a d*mn doesn't care.  If a guy only wants you for your cup size, he couldn't care less about you.

Aww, good luck with everything- sending positive thoughts your way.....


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Cali is one lucky pup to have you as her mother. It's a wonderful thing you do. But you've got to remember to take care of yourself so you'll be able to be there for Cali.  :) Take care, both of you!


I'm sorry Cali isn't doing well.

Please be careful driving. Is there someone you can chat on your cell phone w/ for an hour on your way home to stay awake?

Keeping both of you in my thoughts.


((((((Di and Cali)))))


*hugs Di and Cali* Aww, Di. You really are an amazing sort of woman. Cali is very lucky to have you as a mommy. I'll send happy brainwaves your way, but do make sure you take good care of yourself.


Hugs, prayers, and positive energy coming yours and Cali's way. Please be safe and take care of your self too. When I teach Yoga tonight I will dedicate my practice to Cali's health and your well being.


Thanks everyone.  You guys are the best!

Cali just came downstairs and curled up on her dog bed.  She doesn't know it but she is having a bath tonight.  Have to get the blood, pus and dry skin off of her.

I do two loads of laundry with hot water a night for her.  She sleeps on my bed during the day so I have a waterproof, allergy mattress protector on top of my sheets and blanket.  Then I have a blanket on top of that and then a sheet.  As demodex mange is from microscopic mites, I wash all of that when she comes downstairs.  I of course am not sleeping between my sheets and blankets as I want my bed protected.  So I sleep on the mattress pad I put there for her with a gross blanket and sheet over me.  None the less, she has to be as stress free as possible and if sleeping on my bed makes her happy, then I can deal with sleeping with her yucky blankets (they are not yucky when she goes to bed..they are yucky when I wake up in the morning).  At night when she decides she wants to be on my bed, I wash her dog bed and blanket in hot water.  I have been trying to do many cold water washes but when mites are involved....must use hot water.  Then after her pet bed is washed usually around 11:00pm or midnight.  I do my clothes in cold water.  Stay awake until I can throw them in the dryer. 

Not to worry.  I will try to take good care of myself.  Not only for Cali but for the other 9 furred and feathered! :-)

Hugs to you all.


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