added this 12 years ago
Universal Vegan Macaroni & Cheese for one
What you need:
1/2 cup macaroni of your choice (whole wheat, multi-grain, corn, rice)
1 cup milk of your choice (Almond, Soy, Cashew, Coconut)
1/2 cup water
2 heaping Tbsp. Nutritional Yeast Flakes
What you do:
To Taste: Salt, Pepper, garlic powder and any other seasonings you may like to add. I added Old Bay Seasoning and that turned out nice.
Place all ingredients except the Nutritional Yeast Flakes into a saucepan and bring to a slow boil. The macaroni slowly absorbing the milk and water as it cooks with the seasonings is what makes this dish nice and creamy and comforting. When the macaroni is tender, add the Nutritional Yeast Flakes and stir. Turn off the heat. Cover and let sit for 1 minute. Your creamy mac & cheese is now ready to eat and enjoy.
Preparation Time:
1 min
Cooking Time:
10 min
Way to much liquid. I could not even eat this. Next time I will leave out the water.