added this 19 years ago
Sweetened Ice Berries!
What you need:
1 cup frozen small berries (blueberries, raspberries..)
1 cup soy milk
sweetener to taste
What you do:
Place frozen berries in a bowl. Add sweetener as desired. Add soy milk. Let stand for about 2 minutes; the soy milk and berries will freeze together to form an ice cream like texture. Mush around a bit and enjoy!! This is seriously DELICIOUS... and simple!
Preparation Time:
1 minute
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
I've done this with bananas but never with berries. I tried it with blueberries today and it took less than a minute. Too cool :)
All I got was really cold soy milk and blueberry soup with a few frozen pieces. Maybe I should try using less soymilk next time? :-\
holy genius...i used blueberries, a little vanilla extract, and some hemp milk! numnum
good stuff! I used a mix of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries with raw sugar sprinkled on top
This is so num :)
This is definitely a quick, tasty dessert.
This was okay... I used blueberries but maybe I would have enjoyed strawberries better... I'll try that next time.
;)b :)>>>
I loooooooovvve it!! I just was browsing the recipes and came across this, now I am the happiest person in the world.
Although I cant figure out how to mush the frozen blueberrys, they are rather hard....
i saw this. it looked was. yes even I can make it!!!! and you know what? pretty darn good if ido say so myself. 8-)
made my day. thank you