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Member since July 2006

Better Mac ‘N Cheese

What you need: 

3 tablespoons flour
2 oz. margarine
1 pound pasta
3/4 quart of plain soy milk (unsweetened is best)
1 package Follow Your Heart vegan gourmet cheese (I like the cheddar)
1/2 to 1 cup nutritional yeast
salt, pepper and chili powder to taste
optional: fake bacon
other spices such as paprika or any you d**n well like

What you do: 

Bring water to boil and cook pasta.
In a separate pot melt the butter and mix in flour to make a rue. This step may be skipped but it helps to make a much creamier sauce.
Mix into rue the half to three quarters of the soy milk. This sauce can get thick so the amount of soy milk will determine how thick you wish it to be.
Next add the cheese, works best if shredded, in stages to allow smooth melting.
Add spices to taste. The chili powder needn't be much but it helps to add a little kick that vegan cheese can often miss. Paprika works well in addition to the chili powder.
Lastly, add the yeast. This will thicken the sauce a lot and you may wish to add more milk at this point.
If you desire, mix in a fake meat, Yves Canadian Bacon tastes good but I am sure others would work just as well.
This mac ‘n cheese has become so popular with my friends. I have been vegan for years and it is by far the best I have eaten to date. I have fed tables of non vegan, non veg and had success there as well. The cheese can be used and adapted for all other cheese needs, dips, sandwiches and so on.
Let me know if you improve upon this please.

Preparation Time: 
1 hour
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


This turned out really good! I subbed some of the soy milk with Knudsen Very Veggie Juice and added some wheat germ.  I also used whole wheat elbow pasta. I garnished the top with shredded carrot and bean sprouts. Everybody liked it a lot  :)


This was delicious!  I used Follow Your Heart brand vegan mozzarella cheese and RedStar nutritional yeast.  Yum!

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