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Hunting for a Cure - disturbing!

I saw a commercial for this "Hunting for a Cure" organization when I was at the gym last week and found it seriously disturbing.  Check out this site:

I'm all for raising money to benefit sick children, but this doesn't even make sense to me!  We don't need to hurt one species in order to save another.  This made me so angry and depressed!  :(

That is disgusting.


Ugh - how awful!  There has to be a better way to raise money than perpetuate hunting!


I'll never get used to seeing people smiling for photographs while holding dead animals, especially children  :'(.  And yes, this is truly a bizarre way to go about raising money to fund a charity for sick children.  But charities raise lots of money through exploiting animals (e.g.: Shrine Circus).  So, this seems like the next logical step  ::)  People feel so warm & fuzzy inside when they support charities though.  They don't seem to care how they go about it.  Kind of like buying a box of oreos to support breast cancer research.  Do you guys know what I mean?  These labels are on everthing now from motor oil to iced tea.  Like my coworker bought a box of donuts because they donate a portion of the procedes to breast cancer research.  Oh yeah, like how much $ & what kind of research?  And, you are probably increasing your likelyhood of developing breast cancer yourself by eating a fat-laden pastry full of more chemicals & preservatives then actual food ingredients (IMO).  OK, sorry - it's late. End Rant.


Gives a whole new twist (and I mean twist) to the phrase "kill or cure."  :-[


And yes, this is truly a bizarre way to go about raising money to fund a charity for sick children.

Bizarre was the first word that came to my mind. When I see things like this I always think to myself, "Are these people even thinking about what they're doing?" because it's hard for me to see any logic in it. I think I'll e-mail them and ask because I'd like to know.

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