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VegWeb iPhone App! It's available now!

UPDATE: The app is now available for purchase:! Thank you all for your hard work to help make it fabulous. If you were a tester, I'll be in contact soon with a free copy for you!

Do you have an iPhone and love VegWeb? Well... we need you!

We're testing out our new iPhone app (!!!) and want it to be perfect before it goes to the app store. That's where you come in! We need a select group of beta testers to let us know what rules, what drools, and any other brilliant advice that only a VegWebber can give.

If you want to be a part of history (I'm a bit dramatic), please email laura at vegweb dot com and let me know!


p.s. I can't wait to unleash this into the world! It's looking so amazing already and it can only get better with your help!

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