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Translations of SDP (Standard Dating Phrases)

Inspired by the Internet Dating thread, and an episode of Friends, can you give the Standard Dating Phrases for particular situations with their RL translations?

Here's a few to start:

"It's not you, it's me."         Translation: Oh, it's you, all right!

"I just need some time."    Like, forever.

"I need to find myself."  I've already found someone else.

"I'll call you."         Yeah, right. I'm already changing my cell number and carrier!

"We're on different paths."    Getting farther apart every second...

"Let's just be friends."         Forget we ever met.

And how would you translate that old breakup standard: "It just wasn't meant to be"?

Oh boy :)

I am guilty of saying "Some of my best relationships revolve around silence and non communication".
And "See you around... online."
With both I was trying to be funny, snarky and was willing to let go.

I am still perplexed why ladies contact me after they are recently out of a seemingly bad relationship or period in their life? Perhaps they are thinking they might have passed on something potentially good?


Alright..I'm bringing back an old topic. Yabbitgirl always posts topics that intrigue me and I saw this topic that caught my eye.

I've been told different things throughout my life. "You're a great friend" or "you're a marriage kinda guy, not a dating kinda guy"...whatever the hell that means..

Anyhow, I usually get the silent treatment. There are no reasons, no one-liners, nothing. In the days of the old Josh, this has always lead to self-destruction, sleepless nights, awful/bad thoughts, etc..

The thing about the silent treatment - I start to blame myself but more times than not, (I found out) they've been busy cheating on me. One girl told me thru text she made out with her new guy. One girl ignored my calls, my msgs..but I saw her out, holding hands with another guy. I decided to ignore her that night but saw her months later, drunk on the steps outside a bar.

The thing about the girls that have disrespected me (and in a way themselves), they've all gotten fucked-over ten times worse. I don't hold any grudges against them. No grudges consciously or subconsciously..there are a lot more important things to hate. lol! I know my life is one quintillion times better without them. :)


"I value you as a friend" is the one I loathe the most.  Uh, no, you are not going to value me as a friend.  I'm out.  Bye!

"I value you as a friend," "I want to stay friends," and all variants of those translate into, "I am trying to ease my conscience about this breakup.  If you remain friendly with me I won't feel so shitty about it.  And then I'll be able to keep tabs on you and I will still feel needed by you even though I am not."  Honestly that's such shit. 

And sometimes it translates into, "I have some small droplet of hope that we can get back together some day, some I'm keeping you at arm's length just in case."

I don't do "friends post breakup."  No thanks.

OK, I went to college when I was just 16. And I actually believed what he said, my first breakup, when he said "We can still be friends." Even though he broke up with me and got engaged to my best college friend in less than 24 hrs. (Yes, I was that naive).
So I figured he meant what he said, and the next time I saw him I acted like a person and said hello. I didn't go all drama. He visibly recoiled and almost ran away. My "friend" moved off campus and avoided me like the plague.

I saw him at a party months later, cracked one of our group's tipical joke-remarks and he acted like I was speaking in Serbocroatian or something.



Yg - I don't think that makes you naive. I'm sorry that happened to you. But aren't you happy you're in a better place? I met me..that's priceless!  ;D


What made me naive was not noticing that I was his "transition person" from his previous girlfriend to my erstwhile bestfriend. He was dating me to get next to her. And then she told me she fell in love with him "because he looked just like her daddy" who had died when she was small.
Oh, I'll bet that was a healthy relationship. Not.


You're more like a brother/sister to me." -Ew, are unattractive to me, AND you are highly annoying.
:-*  :-D  :-D
ugg schuhe ugg stiefel ugg


I think she's warning you that you'll have to be pretty darn good to fill, so to speak.
But also, maybe that was the only good thing and she's looking for something more.

"Sex is like jumping can't do it all day long."


Can anyone translate “the sex was good”?

To me that comes with the unspoken suffix "... but that was about it" or "... but that was the most memorable thing about him".


Can anyone translate “the sex was good”?

To me that comes with the unspoken suffix "... but that was about it" or "... but that was the most memorable thing about him".

Yeah, I think you're right. You can have sex without love and you can have love without sex, and I know which one I prefer. Of course, both together simultaneously rocks.


"I need time to find myself"
Translation (or rather completion of sentence): find myself a new relationship partner, one that isn't you.


"I need time to find myself"
Translation (or rather completion of sentence): find myself a new relationship partner, one that isn't you.

SPOT ON Yabbit



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