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Soy curls

What's your favorite way to have soy curls? I just got some, and haven't used them before.

hmm, that's interesting that you say they are like meatish strips and you find them ok.  The main reason I use TVP crumbles are to give spag bol and such like the 'meaty' bit to it.  I don't find it tastes of much, but I like it and so does N so TVP = good in our house.
I bet I'd like soy curls....but I guess I'll never find out.


I rehydrate them (per package directions) and fry them up in some oil... They're basically "meaty" strips...Think fajitas... I think they're awesome in stir-frys, just brown them a little before you start adding veggies... Bryanna's blog has a recipe for giving them a "Beefy" flavor and appearance, I thought they were awesome that way as well.

You can buy them online here's the company's link:


I signed up for an account just to reply to this message...I am THAT passionate about my new curls! I made them the other night for the first time ever using this recipe (sorry, don't know how to do the links so it's not the whole long URL).

Anyway, the key to soy curl goodness is to press all the water out after rehydrating, and then toss them in this mysteriously yum powder that Butler also makes (Chik-Style Seasoning)....I swear it was like having fried chicken (without the "ick" factor). I also fried the curls until they were browned and crispy (probably not the healthiest thing ever, but oh well! I have also seen recipes for broiled curls...that might work nicely also).

The stir fry was AMAZING...hands down one of the best "fake you out" meals I've ever made.



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