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Tongue pain

I've been noticing for several months now that my tongue perpetually feels as if it is burned, like I drank something too hot and scalded it. But I don't drink hot stuff, and really don't eat foods very hot either.  It never seems to improve, and the level of pain ranges from faintly uncomfortable to quite unpleasant.

I'm wondering if it could have anything to do with my becoming vegetarian. I am not vegan, but eat almost no eggs or dairy products.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any suggestions?

There is absolutely no chance of my returning to a meat-eating diet, which is why I haven't brought this up with my husband. He's having enough problems with my becoming vegetarian, and lets me know about it frequently. Which, now that I think of it, is probably why I haven't made the jump to vegan.

Anyway, thanks in advance for your help.

It shouldn't have anything to do with becoming vegetarian, but you should probably mention it to your dentist or doctor. I suppose it could be a vitamin deficiency or something like that but that's not a symptom I've ever heard of before.


i sometimes have the same problem.  now, this is my theory, based on absolutely NO medical evidence, just personal experience, so you should run this by someone who knows what they are talking about. 
before going veg, i would take lysine tablets for cold sores or canker sores, because it is nice for your mouth area.  now, lysine is one of the essential amino acids that makes up a complete protein.  maybe, since becoming vegetarian, you have been missing sources for this, since it is found in meat.  however, fear not! i'm pretty sure that lysine is one of the acids found in whole grains (whole grain+legume=complete protein).  so just make sure you are getting plenty of beans and rice, and make sure it is brown rice! 
again, i have no idea if this is actually true, but when my mouth feels sore like yours it usualyl gets better when i pay more attention to my complete proteins


That happens to me when I eat something really citrusy...and pineapple especially- although I don't know if that is citrus...


Maybe it's an allergy?
Definitely talk to your doctor.

That's really interesting about the complete proteins, Lime Green!


are your taste buds still intact/normal looking?  If they are glossy, or flattened it could be a B vitamin deficiency. 


Have you been taking any antibiotics lately, or have any kind of infection? Is your tongue kind of furry feeling/looking?

I'm from New Orleans, and this same thing happened to me each time I went back after Katrina. It was oral thrush, kind of like a yeast infection for your mouth (at least I haven't been unlucky enough to have the other kind  :P) For me, it was connected with many other bizarre symptoms that were due to the hazardous environment down there post-K. You can also get it as a "secondary infection", when you take antibiotics for something else and they kill the good bacteria in another part of your body, setting up a scene for an infection.

But several months, hmmm...


You might want to check out "burning mouth syndrome" on the internet.  Pain in and around the tongue and mouth.


Have you been taking any antibiotics lately, or have any kind of infection? Is your tongue kind of furry feeling/looking?

I'm from New Orleans, and this same thing happened to me each time I went back after Katrina. It was oral thrush, kind of like a yeast infection for your mouth (at least I haven't been unlucky enough to have the other kind  :P) For me, it was connected with many other bizarre symptoms that were due to the hazardous environment down there post-K. You can also get it as a "secondary infection", when you take antibiotics for something else and they kill the good bacteria in another part of your body, setting up a scene for an infection.

But several months, hmmm...

good call on the thrush, it is actually pretty common from what I understand


I don't know what my taste buds normally look like, so I don't know what to say.  I just inspected my tongue in the mirror, and I can see some whitish spots on it.

I am currently taking antibiotics for strep throat, but I only started them on Thursday evening, and this problem has been going on for several months.

I'll check out the burning mouth syndrome thing, and if all else fails, I'll check with my doctor.

I do eat a lot of beans, so I doubt it's the lysine thing, although of course anything's possible. And I try to remember to take a B12 supplement every day. 

Thanks so much for all the help.


I would definitely check out the yeast infection angle and also have your B12 level tested despite teh supplements - deficiency causes cracking and soreness of the tongue

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