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The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread

We talk about health and exercise in a lot of different threads.  It's time for a one-stop shop.

As you all have read ad nauseam, I have a super slow metabolism so I'm always looking for ways to increase my fitness.

I'm going to join a gym next Wednesday (most likely).  Is it true that I should leave a day between working muscle groups?  I'll likely only be at the gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'm not sure what the best excercises are if I'm only going to be working that area once.  Like, Wednesday for legs or front and Thursdays for arms or back.  Something like that?  I'll have about an hour between work and when yoga starts and the gym will be relatively empty, so I'll have plenty of time and access to equipment.


I recently read that dehydration leads to a drop on body temperature and a drop in temp triggers a body to store fat.  Of all the dagnabbit, underhanded, flea-analogue bitten things!  My normal temp is in the 97.1 - 97.3 F (36.2 - 36.3 C) range.

h_h I am predicting a clear, bright day! and I am as accurate as most weather men.

Shea: about M100s, I am not sure 25 calories is accurate. I mean in those exercises you used ever single muscle, except maybe your *eyelids. While running there are many large muscle groups that are at rest or fairly idle. This effects the calorie burn, maybe? Also, I think you are in a level of cardio shape that makes such a routine seem easy. BUT listen when are you going to do the M480s!!!!???? let me know your time too, k? No, I won't forget ;)

* I actually did use my eyelids, whincing from pain.

Friday: Chest, back, abs; 2 hour hike
Saturday: 4 mile run, slow but did it; 2 hour hike
Sunday: lazy (calling it "recovery day")
Today: haven't decided yet....


hh I looked it up, 700m is just under half a mile. It's 20 lengths of the pool if that makes more sense.

Monday I taught 2 hours of dance class, the second was REALLY technical and intense and I had to lead so I was veeery tired afterward.

Tuesday I danced for 3 hours in my new dance shoes which have ridiculous heels on them. That was a challenge.

Today = nothing coz I feel like crap. Run downnnn.


theo - awesome you are getting so much use out of your gym!  And as ever, a dancing machine! : )
There are definitely days when I miss my gym membership, the convenience of having more weights/machines available... but I don't miss having to pay $10 every week so I'll keep making do!

hh, that really sucks about your hike, I know you were looking forward to it... : /  Hope the transition back into the gym doesn't suck too much!

My sore legs were a false alarm last week, didn't end up hurting the next day at all.  I'm back to doing legs and back tonight so I will have to push it extra hard to see how sore I can get tomorrow...

one thing I have noticed lately that I'm not so stoked about - I am noticing a discernible difference in strength between my right and left arms .  I have never really felt that before.  My husband reckons it might be because I have recently increased my weights, but whatever it is, it's pissing me off!


nah, I noticed the first time we met in person I thought you'd got wonky arm muscles.  ; )

I can't remember when I last posted in my exercise for the week so far:
Monday = fight do class (I love this class - it's really good cardio with lots of punching....there's a couple of specific people I always imagine I am punching!)
Tuesday = general work out, worked really hard and felt good.

I'm on call now so can't really go to the gym.  So that's it.  Unless you count doing 3 peoples jobs at work and running round like a silly arse as exercise : /

Or unless you count constant shivering as exercise - that must burn some calories and speed up the heart rate a bit, right!?    Honestly, it's so cold!


I just looked up your temperature, shell.  Yeah, that temp with humidity equals shivering.

I can imagine 20 laps better.  It still seems like a long way.  I might be able to make it (probably not), but I'd never be able to follow that up with dancing.  You're awesome, theo.

oww - It's your left side, isn't it?  It's not really noticeable.


Every time you write 1000 crunches it looks like an impossible number.  I'm ridiculously in awe.


I am FINALLY easing into moving my butt off the couch again.  :-D

Wednesday: Biked for about 30 until I was actually out of breath, walked a mile or so just doing errands as well
Thursday: Biked for about 20 min quickly (have to go fast when I'm in traffic), walked quickly about 2 miles just getting to school and back, burned a few extra calories playing Wii Sports

Friday: Probably going out to buy batteries and get the balance board for the Wii Fit hooked up so I can do a workout. Aiming for 30 min to an hour


o are you finding the cycling wass?  Have you been cycling for long or have you just started it?

When we move house I am tempted to get a bike so I can cycle to work but haven't cycled in years and am scared I won't be able to get up the short but fairly steep hill!  But I have at least been doing exercise on a regular basis - last time I tried cycling anywhere I was so out of puff on the flat, but I didn't exercise at all back then.


Big Update!

Carrying on from the last one:

I went to a big dance exchange in Christchurch.

Thur: Dancing 8pm- midnight
Fri: Dancing 8pm  - 3am
Sat: Dancing 8pm - 5am
Sun: wee bit of dancing, mostly went home and watched the rugby, does that count?

After the dance exchange I decided to have a recuperation week:

Mon - 2 hours of teaching, 2nd hour was a vernacular jazz steps class which oh my gosh is always way harder than I think. I had sore abs and legs the next day!
Tue - Dancing 7 - 10pm
Weds - threw tiredness tanty and stayed home
Thurs - nothing
Fri - went ice skating and had a snowball fight with my boyfriend and little sister, that was wicked fun!
Sat - nothing
Sun - Dance pratice for an hour then watched the rugby. It was intense, it so counts.


theo - Your exercise reminds me of a coworker in college.  He went to clubs and danced for hours at a time while the rest of us did an hour of cardio at the gym - which made him so cool.


I went for a 6.4-mile/10.3 km hike on Friday, with a 2224'/678 m elevation gain (13.2% grade).  I thought I was over the flu, but I wasn't, so I spent the trip trying to keep things in.  I was mostly successful.


It is excellent cardio!
I am still in awe of your hikes.


i did a little 2-mile run today. my stamina is so shot because i've been eating shit and not running. ugh. so getting back on track. like now.


yah, this thread is finally on a new page so I can post without having to see that photo!

vh, give yourself a bit of time to get back up to speed!  You'll be back dominating those roads soon enough : )

I'm just rocking along with p90x, have not managed to get out for extra runs like I had hoped as I have just had too much to do every weekend since I started.  Maybe this weekend....
I'm in my first 'recovery' week now, which is good considering I had way less sleep this weekend than I usually do, and I'm feeling totally exhausted!  Core synergistics tomorrow morning : )


bahahah that photo makes me crack up.

you go, oww! you're a badass


Sun: wee bit of dancing, mostly went home and watched the rugby, does that count?

you were watching exercise, therefore it counts!  (and the stupid amount of other exercise you do all the time)

So today I was planning on going to the gym after work, ended up working late and realised I forgot my gym bag and STILL WENT TO THE GYM!!!  Please be proud, I so so so wanted to just give up and go home, but I went home got my bag and went to the gym.

So yeah, did slightly less cardio - only 15mins cross trainer as opposed to my usual 20mins.  Then did upper body and legs.  Then went to do ab work and had to cut it short because I had such terrible bad involuntary muscle spasm in my legs!  Seriously they would not stop shaking not matter what I did!!


you're all awesome.

I was wondering this morning at work why my arms were feeling sore/tired.  I did yoga this morning and I shouldn't have sore arms from yoga.... uhhhhh, that'll be from the eleventy billion bicep curls I did last night haha

man, I can be stupid sometimes!


Shell - You get mad props from me for going to they gym, anyway.  I've used waaay less than that as an excuse to skip it.

I'm going to do laundry this morning and get all of my gym stuff together for Tuesday.  I haven't been yet because October is such a crazy busy month for me.  I'm doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November, so I'm going to use my treadmill time to figure out that day's 2,000-word portion of the story and then go home and write it.


How's the novel going hh?

Due to post grad insanity I have not been exercising that much.

But I have been doing lots of dancing. I danced on Thursday night, Saturday night and Sunday night, and yesterday I did 20 lengths of the pool and taught dance for two hours, and today I am going to swim again and dance for a few more hours.

I am feeling quite broken, have a pain in my back that's most likely from too much computer work, minor ankle sprain from August is still playing up and the ball of my foot is getting more and more painful - they're probably related. Going back to physio today.


Is it general back pain or localized throbbing?  :(    (If it hurts three months later, is it "minor"?)  I hope physio helps post-haste.  I've had all three of those issues individually and was a big enough baby, I can't imagine dealing with them all at once AND dancing AND thinking through it to study.

My book is going good.  I'll only have enough time to write half of it this November.  I'll finish the story arc and then spend the next year thinking about it and add in the other half in a meaningful way in bits and pieces.  The more I write the story, the more I find out about the characters, so it'll be nice to have a year of reflection about their motivations now that I know them.

I've lost about a 2% grade worth of cardio health by doing nothing for two straight months, but I'm happy to be back at the gym.


It's quite localised, it's most likely due to my terrible posture that I put in a lot of effort to correct and made headway... then dropped the ball on it and am probably back where I started. I see a lot more pullups in my future!

The ankle sprain is minor in that it has never been bad enough to stop me doing anything it just niggles away... niggles on stairs, niggles on jumps, niggles when I walk or dance for a while etc... so it's really annoying but I haven't been laid up from it. Physio reckons it's a tendon and wants an ultrasound. He also thinks the ball of my foot is another tendon, but suggests trying a store bought arch support rather than an expensive podiatrist for now. I suspect it isn't a tendon and is actually a really deep seated bruise that just keeps getting hammered because dancing is really high impact.

I didn't go swimming yesterday because due to a crazy work day my lunch break got cut to 10 mins and then when I decided to go after work I found out that soy sauce from my sushi had leaked through my bag. I didn't want to put on soy sauce togs and trail soy sauce through the pool hahaha.

Glad you are making progress with the novel and still enjoying it! It's such a mammoth task, half is still huge. Go well for the last wee bit :)



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