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Pre-Running Snack

Just curious as to what you guys eat before a run...I usually do a banana or yogurt, but I feel like there's better...what do you all suggest??  Thanks :)!

Sorry, no help here. I get KILLER cramps in my side if I eat anything before I run, so I try not to eat a few hours before I run. I know, I'll never be able to run a marathon like that, but that's not really in my scopes anyway.


Ditto, I don't eat anything, either. I run at 5:15 in the morning so I just get up and go. I have GERD so I would have serious heartburn if I ran with anything in my stomach.

I run up to 10 miles on an empty stomach with no problem, so it can be done.


I'm with the others.  The only thing my body will tolerate somewhat is some sort of soft watery fruit--generally a nectarine, a peach, or opposed to bananas and apples which are generally bad news.  I'm doing a half marathon on Saturday, and I know I will be very hungry around mile ten, but it's better than the alternative.  Sorry I don't have any suggestions for you  :(


On a somewhat related note, does anyone take anti-diarrheal pills before a long run?  I think they might help, but I don't want them to like make my stomach feel weird or something.  Any better alternatives?

Sorry if that was TMI  :)  I just wish my body would just run w/o the runs  :'(


Booo, I usually snack about 2-3 hours before i actually run, and I usually run after I get out of work about 7ish so if I dont eat something, chances are I'll be hungry, maybe I'll just stick with my banana, or eat a few almonds or something.


I'm with the others. I can't eat anything before I run. I feel bloated and weighed down if I do. I get up at 5:15 for my hour run, but I replenish myself afterwards with my smoothie. I dunno, it's weird. I feel like I can run faster and longer on an empty stomach than if I eat something. Plus, like someone else mentioned, I get nasty side stitches if I eat before I run.


I run in the morning on an empty stomach. Well, almost. I drink half a liter of water, 30 minutes before running. Otherwise, I'm so parched I can't breathe.

Afterwards, I usually have a smoothie.


Usually I don't eat anything. But I can get away with eating part of a Larabar and a little water if I'm hungry. On occasion I'll eat a small fruit (peach, plum, or a few strawberries). But that's about it.


I too run (or hike) early in the AM. I have to, I just can't get motivated to go past 11am or so. It's also too hot this time of year. Hiking I can do pretty much any time of day. I can't eat anything before I run either. Usually I have a few cups of coffee, drink some water and hit the road (or trail). When I get back the first thing I have is a banana w/ peanut butter and a whole lot of water. I've been doing that for years.


I run every other day, and I can't eat beforehand either.  Even orange juice or soy milk doesn't sit well.  And in fact (tmi alert) I don't feel right running unless I, uh, empty out right beforehand.  (And that may help those who are troubled by runs during runs, as an alternative to anti-diarrhea meds.)




This is not really related but I want to ask a question to all of you runners...

How did you get started in your running routines?  I've read where they suggest you run a minute then walk a minute, run two minutes walk two minutes, etc. building up.  Any suggestions?  All the sports I play require short burts of running (like softball and tennis) but not anything long distance.  I'd like to start.  My goal is to eventually run the Bataan Memorial Death March that's held yearly.  Thanks!   


My perfect pre-workout snack is a cup of blueberries. They're light yet filling and I find I'm less thirsty during my workout - perhaps it's the high water content.  :) Other, more solid foods make me nauseous.


usually I eat nothing, but I'm okay eating a bit. I just eat whatever is at hand. Sometimes a bit of lentils in a salad, sometimes cookies from the night before, sometimes a piece of bread with something on it. Really, no rules. I figured out over time that how I run has a lot more to do how I eat the day before, especially the night before, how I sleep, drink, feel, etc. Lately I've been having my breakfast on the run, literally. I run around town picking the first ripe berries off those noxious himalayan blackberry bushes everywhere. Yumm.


stick with the banana if it works for you, or some other easy to digest carb, such as a piece of toast with some jam. I usually have either one of these plus some coffee. It makes me need to use the bathroom & then I can run comfortably. For longer runs, I get up a little earlier & have some oatmeal or cold cereal or a clif bar with a piece of fruit & coffee. Everyone is different with their comfort level. I have tough time running in the pm.  Seems like no matter what I do, I feel heavy & bloated. I'm thinking of trying to have a bigger lunch next time & then a light snack an hour or two before running.

As for the person who posted that they wanted to get started running- Just do it!  :) If you already are involved in sports you probably won't need that run/walk program. Just make sure to start out joggin at a comfortable pace, you should be able to talk while running at this pace. If you get really tired after 10 minutes, take a minute or two walk break then & start up running again.  If you decide you want to get more into running, feel free to post any questions. does have helpful message boards you might want to check out, but they tend to have some trolls & not so helpful people lurking on there. 


Cool deal, thanks guys.  I'm surprised that no one has a pre run snack, I mean like 2-3 hours before, I was always under the impression that you should have something in your system...hmmmm maybe im just snacking because that's what I read you should do, but you all are doing GREAT without at snack :)  I like the PB suggestion, that sounds like a good idea.  Most of you also run in the AM, I can't even get UP in the morning hehehe, maybe go to sleep earlier, hmmm. 

As for mirrya1, yeah just do it.  The hardest part is actually committing to the run, but once you start and your body gets use to it, you'll get the craving to run :)


As for mirrya1, yeah just do it.  The hardest part is actually committing to the run, but once you start and your body gets use to it, you'll get the craving to run :)

I agree. Once you start, you want to keep doing it, and doing it, and doing it! LOL! I LOVE getting the runner's high when I'm done! That's enough motivation for me to do again the next morning! Sigh.. it's great!


Before exercise I find that I HAVE to have something in my system or I run out of steam.  So, I've been making a smoothie with Living Fuel (2 scoops) and Rejuvenate (1-2 scoops), coconut milk (2-4 oz), 1/2 banana, ground chia seeds (1 tbsp), some berries and enough water (or rice milk) to make it whatever consistency I want for that day.  I put all these in a large mason jar and use a hand blender to mix it up.  I might make 20 ounces but only drink half or less and that's enough to give me LOTS of energy without feeling like something is sloshing in my belly and then I can drink the rest after I'm finished.  I prefer to drink this at least 20 minutes before exercise which is usually how long it takes for me to get to where I'm going in the car.  This has worked really well for me.  Oh, I get both those products from but I think Living Fuel has it's own website.  (and the CocoChia bars are excellent, too!).  I've noticed that if I just have a bar of some sort or a banana that I have much less endurance- my muscles wear out quicker.  The Living Fuel has the equivalence of a multi vitamin in it and the Rejuvenate also has some B vits and magnesium- much needed for the muscles.


I never even thought about having a pre run smoothie!  That sounds like an awesome idea, I think I'll do that tomorrow, well I'll improvise since I dont have the living fuel and rejuvenate...I'm glad that I'm not the only one who needs a snack before a run yay, i dont feel so weird now haha :)



I agree.  Peanut butter prevents me from feeling heavy and full, yet it gives me the energy to runrunrun.

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