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Nutritional Yeast and Yeast Infections?? (for women)

Does anyone ever get a yeast infection after eating something with nutr. yeast? Just curious b/c it seems that I have....

I am pretty sure that this type of yeast would not cause this. i know that bread type yeasts  and sugar can be a trigger, but I have read that even those on yeast free diets can have nutritional yeast.


nutritional yeast is deactivated (dead) so it shouldn't cause yeast infections- if its dead, it won't be able to brew and grow and ferment and colonise and try and do other yeasty things in your body, so its not generally implicated in causing candida type problems.

i think that if you have a pre-exisiting problem with candida, or a yeast allergy, it could theoretically cause a stress response in, or otherwise weaken your immune system, which could leave you more prone to suffering from candida type problems, though.


nutritional yeast is deactivated (dead) so it shouldn't cause yeast infections

Yep, it's dead yeast, can't go anywhere or grow anything.

There are other causes or triggers for yeast infections. Are you eating a lot of sugar lately? Have you been on antibiotics recently?


If you wear antiperspirant or deoderant, even the "natural" kind, stop. I find if I wear either for more than 2 consecutive days, BAM, y.i.!!!  A girl friend of mine figure this one out, so it's not "just me".



Have you ever done a Candida cleanse? This might be helpful if you get YI regularly. I did one a few years ago and haven't had one since. repeat any time you go on antibiotics.

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