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New Vegan and changing everything!

Hi all,
I'm new here and about a few weeks into veganism. Love the life style! I'm a hefty woman who has started working out everyday, sometimes 2x a day, for about 30-45 mins each time. Is there anyone who has been or currently where I am as far as getting into shape and losing Xamount of weight? I'd love to support each other and share some yummy vegan recipe's with you. I look forward to getting to know all you fellow vegan's and learn more and more about my wonderful life change!

Sonia  ;)b

i don't fit your criteria but welcome! veganism is awesome and should definitely speed up the weight loss good luck :)


Thanks! Even if you don't fit my criteria any support is always welcomed!!  ;)b


You are on the right track. Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do. Keep up the exercise but if losing weight is your goal you have to watch your calories. To offset one bagel you'll need to do 45 minutes on the elliptical. The main problems are. . . processed food is crap, loaded with fats and sodium. Fast food is crap. Look at the commercials. Unhealthy seems to be a selling point. The other big problem is that people keep eating (way too fast) until they are stuffed. Cut your portions in half and wait 10 minutes before deciding if you want a second helping. You probably won't. Just by using that single tactic you cut your caloric intake in half. Go for high bulk, low calorie. Add lots of veggies or mushroom to your meals and you'll get filled up on fewer calories. Keeping fresh veggies on hand is paramount to sauces. I stop at the market on the way home from the gym to get what I need to fix dinner that night.

I used to be 212 lbs. I've been vegetarian for 9 years but cheese was my downfall. I really started taking care of myself just 3 years ago with watching my portions and working our almost every day. I lost a lot of weight and built considerable strength and increased muscle mass through moderate weight training and daily cardio. Since I went vegan less than a month ago I've lost even more weight.

I'm now at 159 lbs.

Sorry. . . I got off on a rant.


You are on the right track. Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do. Keep up the exercise but if losing weight is your goal you have to watch your calories. To offset one bagel you'll need to do 45 minutes on the elliptical. The main problems are. . . processed food is crap, loaded with fats and sodium. Fast food is crap. Look at the commercials. Unhealthy seems to be a selling point. The other big problem is that people keep eating (way too fast) until they are stuffed. Cut your portions in half and wait 10 minutes before deciding if you want a second helping. You probably won't. Just by using that single tactic you cut your caloric intake in half. Go for high bulk, low calorie. Add lots of veggies or mushroom to your meals and you'll get filled up on fewer calories. Keeping fresh veggies on hand is paramount to sauces. I stop at the market on the way home from the gym to get what I need to fix dinner that night.

I used to be 212 lbs. I've been vegetarian for 9 years but cheese was my downfall. I really started taking care of myself just 3 years ago with watching my portions and working our almost every day. I lost a lot of weight and built considerable strength and increased muscle mass through moderate weight training and daily cardio. Since I went vegan less than a month ago I've lost even more weight.

I'm now at 159 lbs.

Sorry. . . I got off on a rant.

Thank you so much! It's ok to go off on a rant that just shows passion. My dearest friend is the same way. She's very into nutrition. My portions have cut dramatically since there is more fiber in healthy food than fast food or fake food as I call it. Congrats on your success too!


I'm new to veganism too and I'm hoping it will help me lose the weight I need to lose.  I've been heavy all my life even though I exercise regularly and am pretty active.  Before I was just a vegetarian but I ate cheese and all that crap way too much, so at the new year I decided I was just going to be vegan.  I love it so far and it's nowhere near as hard as I thought it was going to be (although I've been experiencing hair loss - that's my only complaint - see my other thread!).

Good luck to you with your new diet and health goals!


I'm new to veganism too and I'm hoping it will help me lose the weight I need to lose.  I've been heavy all my life even though I exercise regularly and am pretty active.  Before I was just a vegetarian but I ate cheese and all that crap way too much, so at the new year I decided I was just going to be vegan.  I love it so far and it's nowhere near as hard as I thought it was going to be (although I've been experiencing hair loss - that's my only complaint - see my other thread!).

Good luck to you with your new diet and health goals!

I totally feel ya!! Good luck to you too  ;)b


rsw: I know what you mean about the cheese. For a long time I was vegetarian, and somehow I thought that made me inherently healthy, even though I was eating cheese, ice cream, get the picture. It wasn't until I went vegan that I realized how much I used cheese/dairy as a crutch, instead of finding healthy, filling foods full of vitamins, etc.

I understand your rants. I lost 30 pounds through diet and exercise, but it wasn't a DIET, something on went on and then stopped. It was a change in diet, in my everyday foods. It was making good choices, and splurging occasionally. Not eating crap every day. People must realize that what matters is what they put into their mouths every day for the rest of their lives, not what you're changing in the next 2 months or whatever. Preach!


Down 23 lbs so far in about a month and feeling awesome!!  ;)b


oh that's awesome! congrats!!


Is there anyone who has been or currently where I am as far as getting into shape and losing Xamount of weight? I'd love to support each other and share some yummy vegan recipe's with you.

We have two threads like that.

The Rock-Your-Body Fitness Thread:  Talk about making it to the gym, your workout, or whatever else you do to stay healthy.

Goal Tracking Club:  Track your progress for a specific goal or set of goals.

Cut your portions in half and wait 10 minutes before deciding if you want a second helping. You probably won't. Just by using that single tactic you cut your caloric intake in half.

Ten minutes later I'm usually still hungry, so I compromise by eating all day long.  I especially love the organic three-pack heads of romaine lettuce from the 99 Cent Store.  I can't find thin ones like that anywhere else.  It's just the inner-most leaves, which means I can carry it around and gnaw on it like a carrot.


Welcome!! Nice to have you here. A healthy vegan diet is a wonderful way to be healthy and lose weight naturally. I recently did a two-week program (for my next book) & one woman lost 11 lbs. in just the first week! She's a new vegan too, and is so excited to be loving food & getting healthy.

It's a great way to live, and you'll find you just love it more all the time!


Welcome!! Nice to have you here. A healthy vegan diet is a wonderful way to be healthy and lose weight naturally. I recently did a two-week program (for my next book) & one woman lost 11 lbs. in just the first week! She's a new vegan too, and is so excited to be loving food & getting healthy.

It's a great way to live, and you'll find you just love it more all the time!

Thanks so much! In the past month I have lost 23 lbs. Eating a vegan lifestyle has not only cleaned out my system but really helped jump start my weight lose goals! Thanks for the words of wisdom. Good luck on your book too. You'll have to share that with all of us when it's done!


Wow, good for you!! I wish you continued success.


Just got done workingout  :o <~~ That's basicailly how I feel but I'm pumped and energized and ready to workout again with my husband later tonight.

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