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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

why does it bother people that checkers talk to each other? as a checker i try not to talk when i am checking out customers but common should we really just stand there? socializing is part of every work environment... plus u should try to make work somewhat enjoyable considering customers r rude to u all day and talk to u like ur special needs... i dunno just a thought i don't mind co workers talking as long as it's not excessive 


Yeah, I've been a cashier too at different places. On the one hand I understand why people are weirded out when you ask about their groceries/food. But a cashier can't exactly be silent - at least it's always been expected of me to "be friendly" and "make conversation" with the customer. I guess I could talk about something non-specific to them, like the weather or the 405 traffic, but seriously? Hundreds of customers a day and the small talk is always "apparently we're supposed to get rain until Saturday." Asking about whether brown rice pasta is comparable to wheat pasta is more... I guess personal? Maybe that's the reason why some people don't like it when you ask about what they're getting.

Anyway, when I cashiered for a café at school, no one minded chatting about what they were ordering. I think it's probably because it was such a small school, I was a student, they're students. A cashier at a grocery store is generally a stranger.

At Starbucks, there was less opportunity for conversation, but it usually revolved around the products too.

Storm, I hope the fabric you were getting was faux fur or canvas or something totally odd for crotchless panties.


Yeah, I don't really get why people are applauding being rude to service people. Why get annoyed that they socialize? Do you guys not talk to your co-workers (when appropriate?).
Being rude to service people is actually one of the things that "grinds my gears". I think I even mention it in my vw profile. Being a customer doesn't make you better than the person waiting on or serving you.


I think it's fine to talk to your co-workers when you're not helping other people, but when you're helping me - stop.  There have been lots of times that I've had a question that I haven't been able to get in because of the chatting.  Example at Target on Sunday:

Me:  *Coming out of fitting room with a pair of pants and handing pants to attendant, who is chatting with a co-worker.  I hand pants to attendant, who takes them, but I don't let go.*
Attendant:  *to me, although she's barely turned her head in my direction*  Do you want these?  *continues chat with co-worker*
Me:  *I don't let go, but can't get a word in*
Attendant:  *finally turning her head to fully face me*  What?!?
Me:  I want to tell you something about these pants.
Attendant:  What??
Me:  The front clasp fell off when I was taking them off the hanger.
Attendant:  Oh, okay.  Thank you.  *finally facing me and without the attitude*


Here is another one of mine that you all would agree with:

the image that eating meat is a "macho" thing.  Like you aren't a real man unless you eat lots of meat and die at 55 from heart disease! 

Like killing poor defenseless animals is going to turn me on...yeah right!  I can't stand guys like that !!!! 

Saw a personalized plate that said: LUV2HUNT or something like that.  Then there were bass pro shop stickers and stuff on their window.  I was thinking, yeah, the complete OPPOSITE of me, and it was a big huge Dodge Ram pick up truck to.  I walked past and get in my little fuel efficient Toyota Corolla and shake my head and worry about where this world is  heading.


I just had a phone call from my ex, G, asking what's wrong with Briggs, my cat. I tell him, then he starts reaming me about how I need to take care of them and feed them. When I tell him 'you know I take care of my cats' he replied that he didn't know and that he always would feed them because I'd ignore them while they'd cry....


hugs to you hanashi, major hugs to you.

I was at my old high school today helping with citrus judging. I was talking with my friend about the forestry team. This on girl who i dont know, but i would like to call a "social vegetarian" (saying shes veg but still eats meat) is on forestry. And my friend told me that when she found out i was vegan she went around telling people i was a fake vegan saying stupid things like that my chapstick has beeswax in it (which it doesnt), among other things.
I think shes mad at me because when i was visiting a couple weeks ago my friend told her i was vegan, she said that is way to hard and stupid. So i said its actually really easy and she got cranky.

I'm so glad i'm out of high school so theres no more stupid crap like that.


hh yes that is totally annoying! i agree with that... i stop talking to coworkers when a customer walks up but in the checkstand sometimes i get caught in a personal conversation but i try to end it quickly


D'oh!  I forgot to use might could today.  It was going to be my inaugural use.  I'm still not entirely sure on how to use it, though.  It's not a west coast expression.

Here's a possible scenario where the phrase "might could" may be used. (i.e. might coulda been used)

HH:  Hey Lotus, if I fly into Columbia, could you pick me up from the airport?
Lotus: Ummm....I might could.  What time?
HH: 11:45
Lotus:  Yeah, I guess that'll work.  I'll just have to do it right quick on my lunch break.  ;)


Yeah, I don't really get why people are applauding being rude to service people. Why get annoyed that they socialize? Do you guys not talk to your co-workers (when appropriate?).
Being rude to service people is actually one of the things that "grinds my gears". I think I even mention it in my vw profile. Being a customer doesn't make you better than the person waiting on or serving you.

Yeah, I became quickly aware of how some people are unintentionally rude or condescending to service people when I started working. After that, I felt like pulling my hair out when I'd go to the grocery store with my mom - she's guilty of doing it too. What's interesting is that, before I realized she did the same things, I complained to her about rude customers I'd get at work, and she'd completely relate and agree they're rude. And then she did the same things ><


ha, CK that is totally where I got the phrase from.

Yeah, when I worked in a shop I hated it when people wouldn't stop talking on their mobile phone.  Grrrr!  Now I will never talk on the phone when I'm being helped / served in a shop.
And I used to hate it when people wouldn't say thank you or when paying, instead of putting the money in my hand they would place it on the counter beneath my outstretched hand.  Grrrrrrr!  Funny how they got annoyed when I ignored their hand and placed their change on the counter!

Another thing that really bugs me and I'm not sure why is people eating on public transport.  I always think why the hell don't they eat before they get on, yet I know there's often a valid reason.  If I ever have to eat on public transport I get so so embarrassed and try to hide the fact that I am eating.  But I think that's just me.


My roommates love to leave mass amounts of dishes, spills, etc in the kitchen for over a week. Not only do they do that, they also like to use my dishes and pans instead of their own. I don't mind if they do to a certain extent- but using all of mine (I have 4 plastic plates & 4 plastic bowls, while they have several sets of actually nice dishes) and then not cleaning them after? I always end up giving in when I'm just too disgusted to even go in the kitchen and do them myself. I'm trying to refrain from cleaning their shit up again, so I'm currently eating cheese and crackers with only a napkin while sitting on my bed (we have no tables). I'm getting crumbs everywhere. This is really starting to annoy the hell out of me.


TL908, keep your dishes in your room so they can't use them. I remember having to do that in college.
that sucks!
I  once made a cute sign and hung it above the sink that said, "your mother doesn't live here" with an elephant cleaning dishes. I think they got the hint!


And I used to hate it when people wouldn't say thank you or when paying, instead of putting the money in my hand they would place it on the counter beneath my outstretched hand.  Grrrrrrr!  Funny how they got annoyed when I ignored their hand and placed their change on the counter!

yes i hate this soooooo much!


oh ya btw roommates suck unfortunately their aren't many considerate people left in this world :(


I'm another grammar nazi! Their/they're/there, to/too/two, your/you're... not interchangeable.

I can't stand people saying "pronounciation" - it's proNUNciation people, COME ON.

I hate being condescended to.

Also, self-enforced helplessness - if your life isn't going the way you want it to, get out there and do something about it!

Don't even get me started on how much I would like to kill my flatmates over the state of the kitchen...

Wow I'm an angry person :|


Oh man, customers on cell phones. I don't mind it if they're in line for a while, and then hang up before being served, but I hate it when they stay on while I'm serving them. This was terrible at Starbucks, when I'd have to ask them questions about their order and they couldn't be bothered to stop talking. And then even a few would come back and be like "I wanted whipped cream." I asked, damnit!
Over on the "overheard" thread, I mentioned about a customer having an (er) inappropriate conversation on the phone while being served, with a crowded line. But hell, at least it was entertaining.


I'm another one of you grammar nuts. I catch mistakes all over the place: newspapers, textbooks, and closed captioning are just a few examples.

The worst:
Might could

I also really hate text speak, or chat speak, especially on the internet. You have a goddam keyboard. Don't make me use my decoder ring.

Also? When someone is giving a presentation? And everything they say? Sounds like a question? Even though it's a statement?


Also, self-enforced helplessness - if your life isn't going the way you want it to, get out there and do something about it!

Agreed.  I have very little patience for self-pity and whining.  Shit happens...get over it or fix it and move on.  Also, people who create unnecessary drama.

The word "orientate" (or "disorientate").  You don't need the -ate!  "Orient" is a word by itself!  Unfortunately, "orientate" is actually in the dictionary now (at least in the Macquarie English dictionary), so I don't have much of an argument.  It's still not a word though.  >:(

People who try to argue that "orientate" is a word by using the word "orientation" as an example.  -ation is a suffix.  "Organization" and "realization" are words too, but you don't organizate or realizate.



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