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Reasons to make the slanty face

:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.

P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.

oh, I feel your pain, Lotus!  My fingers are crossed for you, hope it all gets ironed out soon....  buying a house is so stressful!!


So my roommate's boyfriend (who is my other roommate, actually) is out of town for a while. We've been hanging out a lot and planned to watch a movie tonight and drink long islands. We went and got the long island stuff from our friend's house (I bought it) and got back here and her boyfriend called. Ughhh. She's been in her room talking to him for quite some time and I've heard the intro audio to Finding Nemo (on the menu) like a bazillion times. First off, I hate this movie- it annoys me. Second, her boyfriend is so needy and whiny. I've drank an entire long island by myself and am not about to watch a movie I hate by myself too. I'd rather watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail with her out here, drinking with me.

:-\ So much for a fun night. Fucking relationships.


I would totally watch that movie and drink long islands with you tl. Those are two awesome activities, she is being a dick.


Yes indeed. She finally got her ass off the phone, and after some more long islands, I wasn't mad anymore. Oh, and she did my makeup.  :o


The awesome tiny little vegetarian shop where I buy all my "meats" is right next to two shops where they sell turtles for food.  :-\ As my boyfriend says, "Who could eat a turtle? They are too awesome to eat!"


Ew.. turtle? That actually doesn't surprise me- just disgusts me. My brother has eaten dog. Yes, dog. He's in the airforce and stationed in Korea. Ugh. Sickening. Although, he said he doesn't eat veal anymore after finding out how they're treated when they're only babies. Can't win 'em all, I suppose.


I'm having a mysterious allergic reaction....causing painful/itchy/dry red splotches on my face and neck....and I'm allergic to the red dye in benedryl =o/


The awesome tiny little vegetarian shop where I buy all my "meats" is right next to two shops where they sell turtles for food.  :-\ As my boyfriend says, "Who could eat a turtle? They are too awesome to eat!"

Who would even think to eat a turtle? I wonder the same thing about durian. Why bother?


It's the first long weekend of the 'summer', three days off starting tonight  : )

But today is draaaaaaagging so badly, it's only 1pm but it feels like I've been at work for about 10 hours. I'm fearful 5pm may never come  : (

: /


My "off black" hair dye is just very dark green..... Hmmph. I look weird. I like it. But its weird. And i know when it fades it will turn to a gross greenish color. And i'm looking for a job. soo. =\


Aw. Hope it turns out okay! I want to see pictures!! I still need to dye my hair... the dye is still sitting there.. watching me.. begging me to get off my ass and use it..


So yesterday was when I found out that I had overdrawn $2.11. I was also out of toilet paper, and tissues are only going to go so far.. So today I went and sold 4 dvds at a used book/cd/dvd store and got $4. I then bought some cheap toilet paper and headed for the bank. I get there and explain to the teller that I wanted to pay off the amount that was overdrawn. I get out my wallet with a whole $2.65 when she tells me that I was charged an overdraft fee and now my account was negative $36 or so. I started crying. Here I am holding my almost empty wallet and I had just pawned movies for toilet paper. I ask for my cards back so I can just leave (I'm still crying) and then she tells me she'll wave the fees. Thank goodness. Still exhausting. I neverrrr want to overdraw again. Not like I ever did.

what makes this even worse is that NONE of this would have happened if my ex paid me back.  :-\ ..or if I never let him "borrow" it in the first place...


My new infatuation is coming over later to help me cook for a friend's potluck party later on tonight!!! I need to CLEAN!!! and SLEEP!!! and do most of the prep, since he volunteered himself to help hold stuff..... :/ We'll see how it all goes!!! I need to be asleep....I was wanting to get up in less than 5 hours....woops!

Oh yeah....and do you think the 4th date (second week of the 'relationship') is too soon to introduce to your 'family'???? AND I am pretty damn sure that my recent ex- G is going to be there too.... We're on civil/friendly terms....right now we seem to be squabbling like siblings....
soooooooooooooo nervous!!!


Everyone always goes to bed about 5 minutes before I show up here. I think I will go buy a laptop and go sit in the park on the city's free wifi...

My new infatuation is coming over later to help me cook for a friend's potluck party later on tonight!!! I need to CLEAN!!! and SLEEP!!! and do most of the prep, since he volunteered himself to help hold stuff..... :/ We'll see how it all goes!!! I need to be asleep....I was wanting to get up in less than 5 hours....woops!

Oh yeah....and do you think the 4th date (second week of the 'relationship') is too soon to introduce to your 'family'???? AND I am pretty damn sure that my recent ex- G is going to be there too.... We're on civil/friendly terms....right now we seem to be squabbling like siblings....
soooooooooooooo nervous!!!

#1 No as long as it won't be a little gathering where your date will feel like they are kind of on the spot.
#2 I would feel a little uncomfortable showing up where your ex is - friendly or not - so early on. Especially if your family knows the past one well, I would feel like I was really under the gun to measure up.


4th date... yes a bit too early for family unless u think it's gonna last for sure... good luck with all that other shiz :/


I used the " around family because my group of friends refer to ourselves as family. We're aunties and uncles to each other's kids, feed when hungry, give a place to sleep when down on their luck, etc.

I told him I forgot my friend is having a party/potluck and when I told her I had a date today, she said I should bring my date along. I also added, we didn't have to go. He insisted on coming over and helping me cook....


I set all my alarms for an hour early somehow. And i only slept for about 5 minutes in between those and the new ones i set (i have to set like 5 or i dont get up.) So i only got like 4 hours of sleep. Maybe 5.


uS, I feel your pain. I got less than three. I have to go to an employment agency kind of thing today, and a chiropractor apt. Lucky me. I actually pressed snooze a couple times, and I don't ever press snooze. I thought I was turning it off, actually. Good thing I always wake up with a good hour before I've gotta go.. Still, I think I may drool on any papers I may have to sign today.


Its 2am and i'm still trying to start my paper thats due tomorrow. Its only one page so it gets a slanty face not a frown. But i cannot for the life of me decide what part of this story to analyze. =/


sarah, what's the story?



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