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Reasons to make the slanty face

:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.

P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.

Its snowing.  :/

I am just not ready for fall to be over.  We really didnt get summer, dont take away my autumn!

We didn't have any fall. :\


Yea sadly chocolate is one of the things I can't stomach...I'm eating juicy fruits, thats about it and today I barely managed that :S

House would be awesome! Or Bones... sadly the only series' I could get out of the DVD store that interested me were:
Heroes season 2: pretty cool, enjoyed it.
Prison Break Season 3: entirely average. I'm too bored to finish it. Season 1 was completely awesome, Season 2 necessary, Season 3....yea. Just stop.

And yes, I'm off work and on strict rest orders, fun for a while, now I want to be doing stuff...

I know someone who had on/off gastritis/enteritis constantly, to the point she was hospitalized pretty often. They couldn't figure out the cause, suggested viral, did some allergy tests, for which she came up positive to things she never eats anyway (I think beef and shellfish? and she's vegetarian). She eventually tried eliminating things one by one, and as it turns out, she's allergic to chocolate. Not in the rashy/itchy-actually-a-dairy-allergy way, but it's like celiac disease to her. She really liked chocolate too... :/


Oh that sounds horrible :( I don't think I'd be that upset if I couldn't eat chocolate anymore. Chips though, I would be upset about chips.

Is she ok now that she's stopped eating it?

Mine has lasted 2 weeks now. Still not well. :\

I went to see a friend last night because I was going crazy with no company. While we were chatting she got sudden onset flu. I had better not get flu on top of this, that would be utter shit :\

EA - agreed


Its snowing.  :/

I am just not ready for fall to be over.  We really didnt get summer, dont take away my autumn!

We didn't have any fall. :\

It was around 100 degrees earlier this week. :\


It was around 100 degrees earlier this week. :\

I had to google to find out how warm that is, holy hell that's hot! man, what does it get to in Summer if it's that hot in Autumn??


It was 43 degrees here today....and rainy....miserable.


I find it really difficult to look at a number that high and not think that sounds really warm.  6 sounds much more miserable.


I had to google to find out how warm that is, holy hell that's hot! man, what does it get to in Summer if it's that hot in Autumn??

Florida does not know seasons. It just randomly changes temperature. Its suposed to be in the 50s saturday.


This temperature converter helps.


I use online conversion but that doesn't help my brain, which is wired to think anything above 20 is hot  : /


Haha, yeah, I can't remember it for the life of me.
20 sounds below freezing to me.


I woke up at 2:30pm. I had plans this morning =/

And, its all windy and grey outside so i thought it would be cold and ran outside. It is so hot and humid, i couldn't breathe (and i was in my undies, the thought of putting on clothes and leaving this house scares me)


i'm tired of switching from VW/myspace/facebook/subeta every 10 seconds, expecting something to be new.. I wish I had something to do with my life.


My pastor and wife were supposed to come to lunch and he called this morning to cancel. I can't really be upset because it sounds like he has swine flu, and I know he's not well (he could hardly talk with the sore throat)'s not like he just bailed because they were "tired" as some have done in the past. But here's me with all this food... :-\


Bashing my thumb with a hammer while getting a stupid coconut open.

I should go buy a log splitter and do these things the right way. Sure the coconut would be in a thousand pieces over the yard, but after you do 10 or so you could just use a grass rake and a snow shovel to gather it all up quick.


Bashing my thumb with a hammer while getting a stupid coconut open.

I should go buy a log splitter and do these things the right way. Sure the coconut would be in a thousand pieces over the yard, but after you do 10 or so you could just use a grass rake and a snow shovel to gather it all up quick.

If you don't mind losing the water (which is not coconut milk), do this: Put your coconut in pillowcase and tie it tightly shut, with either a knot or a twist tie. Throw it with all your strength on the pavement, sidewalk etc. (I live on the 3rd floor. I just drop it out the window.) Voilá, as the French ar so fond of remarking.

I need to look up the "oven method" which makes it easy to slice the meat too.


We have a coconut opening machette. Somewhere.

I was running around my yard chasing my dog since its sooo nice out. And i stepped in dog poop, barefoot. Yum. =\


I was all excited to pick my boyfriend up at the airport at 6:48. But his connecting flight got delayed so now he's going to have to get a later flight here and I don't know when that will be. I'm still so happy he's coming but I don't want to have to wait any longer!!


I seriously need to shower.
But I'm so damn tired..
I don't know if I even have enough energy to stand up in the shower.
And then my hair would be all wet when I would lay down to sleep after.
Then my pillow would get soaked.
But I need to shower...



you don't need to shower if you're just gonna go to sleep. SLEEEEEP!



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