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Reasons to make the slanty face

:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.

P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.

Vegweb seems so empty...are people still getting malware notices, or did people just give up?


Vegweb seems so empty...are people still getting malware notices, or did people just give up?

I've heard that a lot of people have migrated to Facebook. Which is sad.
No, I don't have Facebook.
No, I won't be getting Facebook.


Vegweb seems so empty...are people still getting malware notices, or did people just give up?

I've heard that a lot of people have migrated to Facebook. Which is sad.
No, I don't have Facebook.
No, I won't be getting Facebook.

I got a few malware notices when I first got home from the hospital.  I have just been uncomfortable holding my laptop or sitting at the table to use it.  Good news is I have only used my "loopy pain meds" at night the last 2 nights, off them during the day and using tylenol. 

I think part of the issues with the hospital food was this time I chose to stay in the burbs because that is where I went to the ER instead of transfering to a Portland hospital.  Most of the vegans here are in Portland proper, not the western burbs.


:) : tomorrow is me and J's 10 year anniversary. We're not sure yet if we're going to go to Six Flags again or just laze about.

:( : what i assumed was Charlie having her bout of IBD again has turned out to be a cat toy she ate (not sure how she worked that magic, considering the teeth she's missing). She vomited up some of it today at the hospital, and we're hoping she'll get out the rest and regain her appetite soon. Otherwise it's surgery for her on Thursday.

Sum result: :/ , and may not be going to Six Flags/celebrating in case Charlie has to be monitored. It could be worse though, as her IBD type signs before + enlarged lymph nodes (which she's had) could have ended up being lymphoma. At least it's something curable, but my poor babyyyyy.




How's stuff, FB? Kitty OK?

I feel like you and me are the only ones posting anymore.


Oh hai yabbit.

Yeah, Charlie's pretty much all right at the moment. Her surgery went well, and her stomach wall looked pretty normal at surgery. They did a biopsy anyway, since she's had a history of recurrent gastritis, but it came back pretty inconclusive - "mixed inflammation" - even though a full-thickness biopsy is as good as it's going to get diagnostically. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well

She was feeling so good after that she herniated D: but we went back and fixed it. AND THEN she kept messing with the skin incision that the suture started to poke out, so she was living in a cone of shame for a while there, but now she's all right. BUT THEN because Meems/Mimi/Mimimimimimi had ringworm, and then Charlie got it a little, and then had surgery, her ringworm got worse (UGH), which I'm kind of just letting be in hopes that her getting over it without meds will help her immunity.

long story short: she is alive and back to her regular grumbly self.

as for me, i'm currently doing a rotation in radiology at an emergency animal hospital. They like me (yay!) which is particularly fortunate since I'm at the same clinic next month for a different subject (emergency & critical care)... and then the school went and put me here for surgery in October as well. Sheesh. Anyway, it's all going pretty well, always feeling like I'm simultaneously behind but always busy... dreaming about x-rays -_- which makes me feel like I REALLY have no life. Maybe I should go back to practicing lucid dreaming (YEP) to get rid of my nerdy dreams.

I'm trying to figure out what i want to do next year, as the choices are (1) internship or (2) attempt to get hired as a general practitioner sans internship. An internship makes little money, is very stressful, but provides training and a better chance at getting a job post-internship. As a GP I could start paying back my loans right away, but many new graduates are having trouble finding jobs soon enough. I dunno. Anyway, if I ever want to specialize I probably need to do an internship or work for a few years anyway.

How are you, yg? I get the impression that you are sleepless once again.

Yeah, it seems there was the initial newvegweb activity, and it's starting to die down again. It's too bad, 'cause I was hoping the activity would continue and we could vaguely float back to normal... and maybe do a gift exchange or something... :)


Yeah, definitely "Sleepless in Sevilla." Not one minute of sleep from 8 AM Friday to 10 something PM Saturday. Amazing what you can get done at 4 AM when you're in overdrive. But I did this to myself--did I learn NOTHING last August? Apparently not.
Work looks good for me in July, the economic crisis has made young professionals realise that yes, you do need English if you want to leave here. I charge very little, but then I don't leave my apartment. You want to study with me, you come to me. One student is prepping to take up a research post in New Mexico, biology/neurology, on the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy on the child's brain. I can *talk* to this guy. He is not bad looking, either--though young enough to be my son, but aren't they all, these days.

I can't find the "edit" screen I was getting last night so no bold or smileys or nothing.
But Spain beat France last night for the first time in a national side game!!


Yabbit, perhaps we should become roomies. I had two days of falling asleep after midnight and waking up at 5:30 followed by waking up at 4 AM yesterday. This morning I woke up with a cold my DD ane DGS "shared". I made a big dent in cleaning out the garage, got a lot of garden work done. . . Somehow, I would rather sleep my 8 hrs a night. :/


Back to work after five days off......meh. I really don't want to be here.


over a week of hot weather has started and my plum tree has decided now is the time for all the fruit to ripen. I still have pain issues being active more than 5-10 minutes at a time and bending so picking fruit will be "fun". I do have a friend who e-mailed asking when they would be ripe. Last year, I traded plums for wine. This year I am on meds that I should not drink with and I don't know how long I will be on them, It could be a few months, it could be the rest of my life at this point.. Dang his wine was good!


Semiveg, get someone to pick those plums up for you (that's what kids and grandkids are for, LOL) and make chutney. Manisha has an excellent chutney recipe on Indian Food Rocks, written for apricots and mango but I used apricots and plums, and I am thinking about doing a small batch of just plums. She starts with 5 lbs of fruit but I used a pound each and had about a quart, which I put in the fridge without canning and it's keeping well.


Frowning because my bestest student left today for NMex and I don't think he'll ever return. He was total eye candy and a very nice, intelligent man.
Smiling because he got the visa, a three year contract, and I helped. Oh yeah, he knew it all already, but I gave him the confidence to sail through the interview at the embassy. And he taught me things about myself, like my stupidly misplaced, knee-jerk reaction to the word "Barranquillas."
Right now my two best speakers-of-English are the much-maligned Latinos. One Colombian, one Argentinian. I wish my Andaluz students took it that seriously and tried that hard.



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