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Reasons to make the slanty face

:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.

P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.

Husband decided to stop taking ibeuprophen all the time, but did it cold turkey (against my advisement) and now hes super bitchy / overly happy and I want to shoot him sometimes.  :-X

I haven't been to sleep yet, now I'm considering staying up all day  :-\

Worst of all - being hungry and watching cooking videos on youtube


I told a very dear friend something he needed to hear. Now he's upset with me.
I just can't sit there and pretend, and applaud, and approve, when I know that will only encourage him to do something that will end up hurting himself very badly.

Now I'm afraid I lost my friend.


vegweb is back :)
i'm sure it'll be all funky again soon :(



my roommate's birthday is tomorrow. her boyfriend just gave her her present. apparently he's really insecure because i keep hearing her say "no, i really like it i promise!!" she's said it like 50 times, no joke. dude, shut the fuck up, she likes it!!!

sorry this is more of a gear-grinding post.


I was accepted to a field school in Spain. I was totally stoked for it. Now I've been offered an internship in forensics at the University of Florida (which is arguably the best forensic athro program in the US). I'm most likely going to the UF program instead of Spain, and I'm super happy, but I'm out $350 (non-refundable application fee). But the whole trip to UF will be a lot cheaper and easier. They are completely different experiences, and I can't wait, but moneyyyyyy!


are you only doing it over summer? because if you're there during the semesters you'l only b 2 hours away from me!!!


Yeah, it'd be over the summer.


aw :[


Congrats Courth!  Don't concider the application fee "wasted money".  You would have had to pay it if they turned you down.  It gave you choices.  Both wanted you.  Too cool!


semiveg is right!!


Yeah, look at it this way, you had 2 rival programmes vying for your attendance!!


I finished physiotherapy, which is a definite :). I am saving 24 Euros a week, and the pain is better.
But it's not gone, because besides the muscle spasms (which are better), I have a pinched nerve, which is not all better. :(
I hope it will get better with the exercises he gave me, but it's maddening to be brought up short if I turn the wrong way in bed.

So yeah, :/


Yesterday I posted in the reasons to frown thread that my sewing machine was dying.  Today I realized the cabinate had been shifted a bit and partly pulled the plug out of the wall.  Soo, It is not dead but now my dreams of a new machine may be back on hold.


Yesterday I posted in the reasons to frown thread that my sewing machine was dying.  Today I realized the cabinate had been shifted a bit and partly pulled the plug out of the wall.  Soo, It is not dead but now my dreams of a new machine may be back on hold.

I've been there! My sewing machine was sewing all weird, and then I realised I was trying to sew with it in the bobbin-winding position. Yeesh.


this past week has been loaded with slanty faces.

my new puppy got lost, but given circumstances, if he hadn't have gotten lost he wouldn't be alive. we found him, thank god. he happened to get lost in the ghetto where dogs disappear into back yards. i was about to put up reward signs (so someone would be inclined to give him back) but luckily we saw two boys trying to walk him on a twine leash (that was way too tight). he pissed all over my husbands leg when he saw him he was so happy, and he is a big dog, so he isn't the pee when exited type.

had a great dinner with friends that were scared-ish of vegan food, and they ate more than i did and were happy. I think we are going to do dinners regularly too, they are open to do vegan foods, I offered to guide in the kitchen while my friends bf cooks the next meal. he was looking through my vwav that abrimmer sent me while i was cooking and asking about ingredients (quinoa/tahini which i showed him) :)

my food processor died,kitchen aide only 4 months old.  but my old customer was selling his Cuisinart for $25!!! so.... yeah, now i have a device that not only does what my kitchen aid tried to do but also kneads dough for me and my husband is super happy about that.

My neighbor who dropped off all kinds of non-vegan candy and stuff on my porch for V-day (which my mother gladly intercepted) had the fire truck and ambulance show up, and then the fire truck went away and the ambulance people came out with a covered body and went away. my hubby was crying and told me someone died about 30 seconds after they showed up ... its a mentally disabled older lady who takes care of her much older parents.... so :/ all in all.


Vegweb virus warning again :-\


My local HFS just sent me an email saying they're no longer doing reward cards.
Instead they're just going to do "every day low prices" Any time a store says that it means they might put an item or two on sale that normally wouldn't be from time to time.
Oh well.


Monday evening, after supper, my hernia started acting up really bad.  I was getting prepared for surgury for it in June.  I could not get it back in place and ended up going to the ER after throwing up and being in bad pain.  I was admitted and had surgury about noon on Tuesday.  I would have checked in sooner but the hospital's internet does not work above the 4th floor and I was on the 5th.  Spoke with the dietician and was not happy at the food selections.  Portland proper has a fairly large vegan community but I was told the hospital I was at only saw 4-5 vegans a year so they were not really prepared to feed them.  On the good side, they did let me order all the side veggies for supper last night and the asparagus was really good.  Anyway, I am home now and back to having more control over my food. 

I had great doctors/nurses but not so good food choices.  Oh well.


(((semiveg))) I would have assumed that they would have been prepared, but maybe because us vegans have such good health they aren't. I hope you recover quickly (or have already since i am late to the show)


My throat hurts :*(



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