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Open letters

Seeing as we've got confessions and problems and issues springing up in threads all over the shop, I thought it might be interesting to have an open letter thread. Cathartic, perhaps. From your mother ruining your wedding, to your boyfriend who can't stop peeing on the toilet seat, or even that guy on the bus who kept making that annoying noise with his mouth, get it out here.

I'll get the ball rolling.

To my dear darling boyfriend,

Just because you are technically 'clean' when you come out the shower, it doesn't mean that I am okay with using the same towel you've been rubbing all over yourself for a month. I know you have others. I bought you two myself. Drag them out from the murky depths of the laundry basket, wash them and allow me the temporary use of a clean one.

Love, Cat

Dear Yabbit,

If Dr. J comes through with that, would you mind sharing?  I'm surrounded by idiots.


Dear Monday,


I meant for myself. I think for the meds to take, you have to volunteer for the experiment.


Dear Yabbit,

If Dr. J comes through with that, would you mind sharing?  I'm surrounded by idiots.


Dear Monday,


I meant for myself. I think for the meds to take, you have to volunteer for the experiment.

My mom used to "volunteer" me for things.  I will gladly "volunteer" Stom's idiots and a few of my own. 


Dear Yabbit,

You are so not an idiot.



Dear Yabbit,

You are so not an idiot.


I second that motion.


Dear Yabbit,

You are so not an idiot.


Dear Storm and His Supreme Joshness,
Not usually...but I can be really imbecilic when the heat is on. It's been on, just of late, but things are looking up today. Fortunately I am over myself.


Dear you two,
I hope you are okay. I hope this is just a fight you'll forget about. I hope nothing too serious happened last night and that you'll both realize whatever happened was silly. I'm worried about both of you. No one go crazy please.

Framer man,
HOLY GEEZE I KNOW WHY PEOPLE COME TO MY SHOP YOU ARE EXPENSIVE. Sorry. You're a neat guy and I know you have to pay for the building and everything and you do everything there and business is probably slow but oh man. I don't have that kind of money.


Dear Bundle of Rags,
I don't actually want to throw you away, but will you ever grow into anything useful? Right now you're just taking up space. Surely there's something posiive that can be done with you, but right now I have my doubts. I don't actually like you much, but I can't toss you, either.
But I believe in miracles. One of these days you might actually be useful, though I doubt it.


Dear Hestia,

Please grant me the patience to deal with Savannah's ADHD homeless best friend living on my couch for the next two months.  It's only day two and I'm already thinking of pushing him in front of a moving bus.

With gratitude,



Storm, I have heard that it is a bad idea to pray for patience since patience is only seen when things are not going well.  Hope things work out and you make it though without killing anyone.

Dear WWW with "instant information",

How come I can find out almost instantly when some catastrophy happens on the other side of the planet but 4-5 hrs later I am still trying to find details of why there were hoards of police in the neighborhood between mine and the grocery store?  I saw 6 cop cars while driving 5 blocks before supper.  DH saw several K9 units afterward.  When I remembered something I needed for breakfast and went back late tonight I asked employees if they knew anything.  One young girl said " a guy did something really bad, I don't remember what, and the police dogs caught him in a back yard." 

Seriously, there are major cities smaller than where I live and because it is in the shaddows of Portland, local news does not care.


Storm, I have heard that it is a bad idea to pray for patience since patience is only seen when things are not going well.  Hope things work out and you make it though without killing anyone.

Dear WWW with "instant information",

How come I can find out almost instantly when some catastrophy happens on the other side of the planet but 4-5 hrs later I am still trying to find details of why there were hoards of police in the neighborhood between mine and the grocery store?  I saw 6 cop cars while driving 5 blocks before supper.  DH saw several K9 units afterward.  When I remembered something I needed for breakfast and went back late tonight I asked employees if they knew anything.  One young girl said " a guy did something really bad, I don't remember what, and the police dogs caught him in a back yard." 

Seriously, there are major cities smaller than where I live and because it is in the shaddows of Portland, local news does not care.

Oh man if I was in your position, I would be terribly paranoid LOL I would be freaking out thinking so weirdo would attack me in my sleep or something (yeah I'm that strange, sue me :P)


Dear Friday,

Thank you for finally getting here.  It's been a long week.



Dear Josh,

Stop 'being there' for people...especially your ex. I know. It's hard to do so.

With your ex, nothing is coming out of being there for her. It's okay to help without reciprocation on occasion. But when she leaves in the middle of conversation, doesn't return calls, and/or disappears for a long while time and time again.....she doesn't give two shits about you.

In fact, she never messages you or calls you to ask about your day or how you are. Nope. She only talks to you when she wants something. Friendships and relationships don't work on a one-sided way-of-doing. I know you know this. Need I mention names?

You fall for this shit every time because you want people to be their best. But when people don't even try their best, they aren't worth your time or effort.

If you really love her and love yourself, you'll find a way to release her. Not abandon her..but just release her from this take take take cycle she has developed with you. If she really changes her ways, okay fine, you can help and let her be in your life. If she keeps the self-serving cycle going, you can't be a part of it.

You got this. Gameface on!


PS. Go ahead and pat yourself on your back. Things got very dark and lonely for you when you had your dark days..and ultimately hit bottom. You made it through because you never stopped giving your best. She's gotta do the same.


Dear Josh,
She is not your child, your sister, or your mother. You cannot live her life for her or make her choices.
You can however make yours.
Yeah, I know how tough it is to be honest with yourself and admit that we can't help, save, or rescue everyone we meet. Because, ya know? sometimes they don't want to be helped, saved, or rescued. Not really. They just want us to feed their egos, or their addictions, or their self-serving behaviour patterns.
If we free up the energy we are pouring into bad relationships, good ones will appear.
I didn't say it was easy--I'm saying it'll be worth it.
From a Friend With a Lot of Hash-marks


Dear Josh,
She is not your child, your sister, or your mother. You cannot live her life for her or make her choices.
You can however make yours.
Yeah, I know how tough it is to be honest with yourself and admit that we can't help, save, or rescue everyone we meet. Because, ya know? sometimes they don't want to be helped, saved, or rescued. Not really. They just want us to feed their egos, or their addictions, or their self-serving behaviour patterns.
If we free up the energy we are pouring into bad relationships, good ones will appear.
I didn't say it was easy--I'm saying it'll be worth it.
From a Friend With a Lot of Hash-marks

Awesome. I appreciate the encouragement and words of advice. I sincerely thank you. :)

I talked to another girl friend last night and she refused to talk to me about her (as she put it) 'emotional malfunction' because I'm a guy. Haha! She claimed, with guys, it always leads to trouble and a mess. She went on to say that she valued me and liked what I brought to her life so she didn't want the mess.

I was a little irked at the fact that she made assumptions about me because I'm a guy..I never made assumptions about her because she was a girl. I did tell her I appreciated the fact that she likes having me in her life and that I was a good addition to it. It's what I do. :P


Dear Bernie,
If you really mean it, don't mess me around.
And don't turn up just because you want something.
I'd like to think well of you, if I can.
I'd like to like you, if possible.
Besides  you're the only person I know who actually speaks French.´
I answered your email and tried to call both your numbers.
Your turn.


Dear Frank,

I realize that you are on the defensive after someone tried to break into your house yesterday afternoon, but accusing the kid sleeping on my couch just because he's a new face in the neighborhood......not cool, dude.  If you'd bothered to ask you'd know that he was no where near the neighborhood yesterday as he spent the entire day looking for a second job. 
I'm sorry that someone screwed up your lock and door, but it wasn't Ian and you don't need to be a dick.


Your Neighbor


Dear M,

No, I don't understand.  I would like to be able to see things from your perspective, but I don't seem to be able to get my head that far up my ass. 




Dear Dr Rojas,
THANK YOU for listening and changing my medication. I feel hundreds of percent better.
If you keep listening you might actually become something new.
Wow. Think of it.

Dear Storm,
I feel you.
Your Greatest Fan


Dear Chris,

My life is so much better with you in it.  Thank you for being my friend.  I love  you.



Dear Storm,
Thank You for posting here on something besides the Word Association thread.
I was getting lonely.

Dear BK,
Sorry to let you down, but I am me, not who you think I am or who you want me to be. You are you, and I accept that, even the bits I don't really care for, because you are you.
But I won't be taking delivery on your misplaced anger because I refuse to conform to whatever image of me you have in your head. I know you think that's selfish and horrid but I can't worry about that.
I'm enjoying me too much.



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