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Not a good day......

Mother's day is coming up.  Depressing as h*ll for me as my mom has no idea who I am.  Alzheimer's.

Then I get an email from my uncle (my favourite uncle) that he has inoperable brain tumours. 

Then my best friend called me tonight.  We have been best friends since we were 4 although she now lives far away.  She has been very ill for 16 years and doesn't think she will be around for her son's wedding next year.  She is 49.

Not a good day.  Started out good.

On a cheery note, I took Cali to a leash free and she barrelled in to the creek.  Her second time in water. 

Sorry to be a downer but I am just trying to get though this evening as I have much to do and it is past my bedtime.

Smoked like a chimney today.  :-(

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day!

Hugs to you all!!!!!


Thank goodness I am not into heavy duty drugs or I would be taking them tonight. 

I sincerely hope your life gets better. i don't even know you, but nobody deserves to have that much disappointment, especially in one day.






Oh my goodness. Dreadful news. My best to all your loved ones. I'm sure you'd like to have a magic wand that would change their lives. Try to take comfort in the fact that even though you cannot change their lives, you certainly changed Cali's. It's always lovely to hear of her progress and I think she will be a source of happiness for you through some dark days.


Sorry to hear all of that Di. I know that's a lot to absorb in one day, but try to stay positive for those that you care about. It does make a difference....


I'm so sorry. I hope everything goes well for you, your mother, and your friend. Even though your mother might not remember you, if you show her how special she is to you, then she will appreciate it and your company. I hope your friend gets better also. Today will be a better day.


So sorry you have so much going on in your life.  Keep those positive thoughts.  Big hugs ((((Di))))


I don't really understand the way the universe works, but it really does seem like "when it rains it pours."  But I've also noticed that things get so much better after a big pile of stress like that.  I have faith that some great things will happen for you soon.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers  :-*

I'm so happy about Cali!


:(  :(  :(


You must be feeling kind of alone and like the loneliness is going to get worse, which I guess it is.  The people we love and who love us are a large part of our personal identity.  When someone is unable (as in Alzheimer's) or is getting progressively more ill until they have to leave our breaks us down.  Who are we without our loved ones?

During these sorts of times, I remember something that helps me a lot. It was a saying, don't know who said it, but "problems are the tools by which God shapes us for better things."  Whether you believe in a Higher Power or not, problems are usually the tools that shape us into better human beings.  This is the only place where "no pain, no gain" has any relevance in life.

I'll be thinking of you.


((((( Di )))))  :(


That's a lot to deal with, especially all at once. :(    I hope your friend recovers and gets better soon.
It took me a while to figure out why everyone was putting your name in parentheses. But I'm pretty sure it is their way of saying that you are in their thoughts, and if that is the case....((((Di))))




Poor Di. Hopefully your life will improve soon.


I hope that your loved ones fair better than what is expected and that you have the strength to be there for not only them, but yourself as well.


Wow! All this bad news on Vegweb lately :o( I'll keep praying for you, Di. Hang in there.


I'm sorry, Di.  My grandmother passed away from brain cancer this year, so I know all about that...on the flip side, I have a friend who has an inoperable brain stem tumor who is doing extremely well with other don't give up hope.  Hugs for you and all your loved ones.


Thank you everyone!  Yesterday, I got bad news from a friend of mine that used to be a regular on Veggies Unite.  Her 20 year old cat is ill and needs our thoughts and prayers.

Some of you might remember Mindy and Hodgie.  Please send some positive thoughts her way.

Hugs to you all!


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