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My new doctor is....VEGAN!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I went to the Drs on Tuesday and met my new doctor...turns out, she is a random vegan! She's been vegan for a few months, but veg before that. Yay! She didn't tell me I needed to eat meat OR dairy OR eggs for "protein" or anything else for that matter. So +1 for her....oh but then she kept me there for two and a half hours being poked, prodded, hooked up to heart monitors and answering a million and a half I guess that's a neg 1... :( Boo....(okay she is not really at null, I know she was doing those things for my good but that doesn't make it less uncomfortable... ::) )

I don't know what it is, but I trust veg*n health care professionals like, almost infinitely vet in Tucson was veg, and I just trusted her SO much....I think its because I don't feel like a person who cant SEE how bad animal products are for the body cant possibly know enough about the body to help me out....I mean, I have had good drs who were not veg, but I dunno....I guess I'm prejudice??? Does anyone else feel that way?

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