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Newly vegan, long time vegetarian!

Super pumped! I am really excited for new recipes and a new diet :) I even convinced my omnivore husband to become vegan, which was no easy feat. I've been vegetarian for 10 years and vegan for 1 day  8) so if you have any advice for me that's great. Talk to you guys soon!

awesomeness! i am so glad you took the next logical step! vegweb is awesome and i'm sure you will find tons of amazing recipes here as well as a group of awesome and supportive people! i am so stoked your husband's down too :)


Thanks! I got a really weird response from the people at my work...they think I am beyond weird now.


Thanks! I got a really weird response from the people at my work...they think I am beyond weird now.

people are always weary of veganism... "OMG you don't eat cheese? you are a psycho"... you can say vegetarian and people understand, you know since we would all die without cheese and all... vegans are apparently crazy people because they eat food that's actually healthy for them and not loaded with artery clogging meat and dairy... knock their socks off with some amazing vegan grub... that will shut the haters up!


Glad to see you here! There's a t-shirt or something I saw once: "When vegetarians grow up, they become vegans"... Welcome to grown-up cooking!  ;D

Ignore most of what other humans say (about most subjects -- not just this one!); most of 'em are filled with nonsense, and definitely should NOT be taken seriously...

Anyway... enjoy VegWeb!


Hello, welcome and congrats on getting your husband to go vegan!


w00t on becoming vegan and convincing your dh!!!  Welcome


Hello! I'm new to this vegan community. Nice to be here!

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