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The Vegetarian book. GRRRRRR

This came across my facebook. It is so infuriating. Another one of those "I was vegan for 20 years and got so sick...blah blah blah"

You can listen to an interview with the author on this site.

Now, about that dude-on-dude action... ;D

Did I miss something?  what dude-on-dude action? :)


I'm won't buy or read this book, but this woman sounds like a moron.  By any objective measure, veganism is healthier both for you personally, and for the planet.  I realize that some people do have health concerns (like B-12 defiiciency), but for Bob's sake, why don't you just eat an egg, you don't have to eat the whole damn chicken.  There, health problem solved, and you didn't have to give Tyson foods $ to torture chickens, not to mention the human employees.  Humans are omnivores, but we aren't even evolved to eat meat all the freaking time, and humans in this country have options that don't require us to kill animals to get the food we need EVER.


I realize that some people do have health concerns (like B-12 defiiciency), but for Bob's sake, why don't you just eat an egg, you don't have to eat the whole damn chicken.  There, health problem solved, and you didn't have to give Tyson foods $ to torture chickens, not to mention the human employees.

...Orrrrr eat vegetarian B12-rich foods like nutritional yeast...  Or take a B12 supplement.  It's very easy to get enough B12 without involving nonhuman animals at all, even their eggs.


I have a colleague who's vegan...

She swallows at least ten pills at every meal and won't eat much after that! She is extra slim and pretends she actually "studied" nutrition!
I had to explain other colleagues (and her) that it is NOT the way vegans supply themselves with vitamins or food in general... I hope they catched it...


I hate this whole vegan/veggie/what have you diets are unhealthy crap.

ALL diets can be unhealthy in some respect. Or at least nutritionally unbalanced.
I know vegans who eat SO much processed soy and crap that they'd probably be pretty unhealthy.
But most vegan and veggie people I know are WAY healthier than anyone I know who eats meat almost everyday.
If you have too much or not enough of certain things, you're gonna be unhealthy. Whether you're vegan or not.
Of course, everyone knows that a diet rich in fresh produce and grains and legumes is pretty good for you, so veganism can (and generally is) a very healthy option. Let alone all the unsaturated fat a person with a vegan diet would not be consuming! (Unless they ate, like, A LOT of cocnuts)
And surely anyone choosing to live a vegan lifestyle/start a vegan diet would consider their nutrition and find out things to include in their diet to make nutritents they might not get being vegan...?


I've not heard of this book until now. I read some of the reviews on Amazon and it's getting a lot of buzz. I need a new read, so maybe I'll head over to Barnes and Noble.

I'm so scared that the author is going to talk me into eating meat again. Not!  ;D


I've not heard of this book until now. I read some of the reviews on Amazon and it's getting a lot of buzz. I need a new read, so maybe I'll head over to Barnes and Noble.

I'm so scared that the author is going to talk me into eating meat again. Not!  ;D

I hope you're not going to actually support that BS book by purchasing it!


I've not heard of this book until now. I read some of the reviews on Amazon and it's getting a lot of buzz. I need a new read, so maybe I'll head over to Barnes and Noble.

I'm so scared that the author is going to talk me into eating meat again. Not!  ;D

I hope you're not going to actually support that BS book by purchasing it!

Good point. I should see if the library has a copy and keep money away from the author.

Sidenote: I bought a book a while back named The Face On Your Plate by a hardcore vegan. From what I understand, the author of this Vegetarian Myth book tries to argue our vegetarian ways are hurting the environment. In the book Face On Your Plate, the author is determined to make the point that vegetarianism is excellent for the environment. I would hope both authors would agree food manufacturing is really fucked right now.


Sidenote: I bought a book a while back named The Face On Your Plate by a hardcore vegan. From what I understand, the author of this Vegetarian Myth book tries to argue our vegetarian ways are hurting the environment. In the book Face On Your Plate, the author is determined to make the point that vegetarianism is excellent for the environment. I would hope both authors would agree food manufacturing is really fucked right now.

Obviously there's an environmental impacting growing vegetarian food.  Pesticides, water, runoff, etc. 

However, which is worse for the environment:  growing vegetarian food, and in addition growing millions of tons more food to feed billions of animals.  Her's is a very weak arguement.  But yes, growing food anyway you look at it is going to have an environmental impact.  But it's like saying driving a Toyota is harmful to the environment compared to the space shuttle.


However, which is worse for the environment:  growing vegetarian food, and in addition growing millions of tons more food to feed billions of animals.  Her's is a very weak arguement.  But yes, growing food anyway you look at it is going to have an environmental impact.  But it's like saying driving a Toyota is harmful to the environment compared to the space shuttle.

"But it's like saying driving a Toyota is harmful to the environment compared to the space shuttle."
Ha! I know right? Most of Australia is drought stricken - caused by industrial deforestation and heaps of mining - and we are under water restrictions. Yet mining (which wastes SO much water) is being carried out all over the place.
It's kinda stupid telling everyone to shower for shorter times when 17 megalitres of water are being wasted daily.
(Not that knowing how reasonably conserve water by doing little things is wrong)

Growing food isn't neccessarily bad for the environment. It's just what it is in relation to where it is and whether it's mass produced industrial scale and the mthods used to grow it.
Indstruial agriculture methods (livestock or not) are pretty ruthless.

Sourcing sustainable native foods it pretty cool. But it's obviously not going to feed everyone, or provide enough of the food waste our world likes to create.


This book is about as hilarious as The Bible.


This book is about as hilarious as The Bible.

Nah. The Bible had Revelations and people with their heads on fire. I get the feeling this is just the circular logic and bad writing.


This book is about as hilarious as The Bible.

Nah. The Bible had Revelations and people with their heads on fire. I get the feeling this is just the circular logic and bad writing.

You may be right, but 3 pages into this book I definitely burst out laughing.


:help!: i like the Bible... to each his own though


:help!: i like the Bible... to each his own though

This is food fight. The gloves are off and anything goes!


i like the Bible... interpret it the way you choose, i think it has a great message for anyone reading it... not saying i am some perfect Christian person or anything =/


i like the Bible... interpret it the way you choose, i think it has a great message for anyone reading it... not saying i am some perfect Christian person or anything =/

No one is attacking you for not liking the bible. I just don't agree with you on this particular issue.


I was browsing 'zines in the checkout line at the grocery yesterday; noticed 'Mother Earth News' has a cover lead "The Truth About Vegetarianism"... yep, it's the same b*** trying to sell her book! I can't believe ME News has stooped to there... respect lost, for that publication! and eyes rolled.


i like the Bible... interpret it the way you choose, i think it has a great message for anyone reading it... not saying i am some perfect Christian person or anything =/

Amy, I love you, I do, but I have to disagree with you on this one. I don't want to attack YOU, but the BIBLE is where my issues lie. The bible preaches that men should have control over their wives and that if god isn't into what you're doing, he'll kill you. It tells us it's better to offer up your virgin daughters to be raped than a kind stranger, and it tells us that we have to be willing to murder our own children to prove our love of god. Sorry, that's fucked up. God is in a one way controlling relationship with these people!

I understand that you're a Christian, and I'm glad you have something that works for you. I just don't see the bible as something to be interpreted literally, and that's a problem that arises within churches, often leading to split sects.


VR I don't think everything in the Bible should be taken literally either! But enough about the Bible... And this stupid Vegetarian Myth book :P



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