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Second hand leather?

Curious as to what people may think of my second hand leather habit, I'm okay with disagreements.

I grew up in a financially troubled home, I grew up below the poverty line.  As such I've developed certain money saving habits.  I'm willing to spend money on food, on my health, on my pets, but most things I buy secondhand or make myself, or have the help of relatives in say, making a book shelf, etc.  I rarely buy clothes, but when I do I don't buy leather, silk, etc.

One of the habits I've picked up, that I didn't realize was odd until I talked to some other girls about their shoe collection, is that I don't buy shoes much.  One girl told me she has 5 pairs now, but that she usually has at least 8, 0_0.  I always have 2 pairs, one pair of boots, one pair of sneakers- no dress shoes, no heels, etc.  I wear them until they fall apart, and then I go to goodwill or any second hand store and buy a replacement.  Both the boots and the sneakers I have now have leather.  The sneakers I bought for $5.

What got me thinking was that an acquaintance of mine told me she thinks I'm "cheating" because they aren't vegan.  I think that my buying used, $5 sneakers is significantly less evil than buying a brand new leather jacket, or a leather couch.  If I were to buy new sneakers I'd buy leather free, but I don't buy new shoes.

What do you think?  If you think that what I'm doing isn't "cheating" then where would you draw the line?  Are secondhand leather jackets okay?  Second hand silk scarves?  I live in NH, USA, so boots are kind of necessity if you want to keep your toes, :)


How much does a second hand pair of leather (or not) shoes cost? What do you usually pay?

This site: has mostly all synthetic/vegan shoes, and they are pretty cheap. Some are more expensive than others, but there are some in the $10.00 range, and most are good quality.

Thanks for the link!  Looks like they have some great buys!  Also makes gift shopping for my girly friends easier, ;)


I have a belt that I wear which is leather from my pregan days and am waiting on it to just die off already.  Aside from that, I really don't like suggesting or condoning the use of animal products in this sense by simply wearing them and serving as an example of what is okay.  This is one of the strongest points of being veg in my opinion when it comes to influencing change - the example that is set.  

I guess I support getting your use out of the stuff, but buying it second hand when you (in my experience) really could buy something vegan second-hand... makes no sense?  I know we can come up with things like "respecting the animal" but we don't respect our deceased family members by making hannibalector coats out of them and such.  I think that the "respecting the animal" and "not wasting it" kind of approach to this concern is a convenience-fueled justifcation at its roots :(

I guess the essence of my thinking here is simply being the change you want to see.


I really don't like suggesting or condoning the use of animal products in this sense by simply wearing them and serving as an example of what is okay.  This is one of the strongest points of being veg in my opinion when it comes to influencing change - the example that is set. 

I guess I support getting your use out of the stuff, but buying it second hand when you (in my experience) really could buy something vegan second-hand... makes no sense?  I know we can come up with things like "respecting the animal" but we don't respect our deceased family members by making hannibalector coats out of them and such.  I think that the "respecting the animal" and "not wasting it" kind of approach to this concern is a convenience fueled justifcation at its roots :(

I guess the essence of my thinking here is simply being the change you want to see.

I totally agree! Well said.
I'm glad you might be able to find some use out of the site, Alika.
I'm not a huge fan of purchasing things at all, but when I do..I make them last!


On a similar note, does anyone know any second hand vegan/vegetarian/organic/hippie ( :)) stores?  I think that would be a neat place, not only is it ethical the first time bought but it would also be reused.

Also, some may find useful.


I have a few pairs of leather shoes, purses, etc. and my car has leather seats.  :(  I don't wear the leather shoes/purses very often though - I told myself I would wear them out and replace them with non-leather, but I feel really self-conscious when I wear them.  I always afraid I will be judged for wearing leather - as in, I will order a veg meal at a restaurant and the server will look down at my purse or shoes and raise his/her eyebrows.  LOL It has never happened to me, but, still...  So I have gradually stopped wearing them and all new shoes and purses I have purchased are man-made.  My next car - hopefully a Nissan Juke - will have technical fiber (I think that's what it's called) seats instead of leather.

It's hard to imagine only having 1 or 2 pairs of shoes.  I have dress shoes for work (at least 2 pairs - black and brown, to go with different outfits), athletic shoes, hiking shoes, flip flops for the beach, open/sandal type shoes for spring and summer as well as boots for fall and winter. I have rain boots when I work in the mud and rain (I also work at a stable), and warm snow boots when it is cold. I suppose if I lived in a warm/tropical climate and did not have a job where I have to dress professionally, I could easily get by with just a pair of flip flops and a pair of sneakers.  I think I have about 25 pairs of shoes, but many women (even men) I know have twice that many or more!!  


Oh don't worry, I have plans to quit my job and go live under a bridge soon.  Would that make you feel better?  (Bet this guy doesn't have internet either)


I'm sure he isn't in need of anything and is currently dreaming of nothing but having 25 internets  :)>>>


You can get your jollies from wagging your finger in condemnation at me, but if you are wasting your money on a computer and internet then you have a lot to feel guilty for.  Think of how many meals and shoes you could provide for the less fortunate if you didn't have those things!  And what are you doing here?  Shouldn't you be off volunteering or something?


You have a wardrobe for your feet



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