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Thomas Jefferson - vegetables

I thought some of you may be interested in this sight - it's fun and informative.  It's all about food that Tomas Jefferson introduced to the United States way back then.    :P

Thanks for this, it is really interesting!  I sent a link to my mother who has always admired Jefferson.  He was quite the scientist-farmer and kept meticulous journals about what worked and what didn't in his garden.  My mother used to have us take notes on her garden modeled after Jefferson's. She still keeps a journal about everything she does to her garden, and I will admit, those journals come in handy!



Last Spring, I did a unit-study with my children about Jefferson and his eating habits. As we learned it, he didn't make his remarks about meat in defense of 'vegetarian accusations', but that he simply professed that meat should be reserved as a condiment-type food--too much is bad for the body. Upon hearing that, my little ones all took a stronger liking to him because he was so "bold" as to speak such things so openly, as president, at such a time as that. :)


I've always enjoyed reading and learning about Jefferson. If you ever in this life get a chance go to Monticello in Charlottesville VA (Jefferson's home). I remember just wanting to reach over and touch things in his home that he once touched (or made) with his own hands. Thanks for the link.


I'm glad you guys enjoyed the link.  Jefferson was a very forward thinking brilliant man.  I have great interest in past history and the people that made it.


This link made my day.  ;D


From the article...doesn't this sound yummy :)

Line baking dish with slice of bread which have been dipped in milk. Fill center with sliced apples mixed with sugar and spice to taste. Cover with more milk-soaked bread, cover and bake one hour in slow oven.


Thanks, I will have to try that. With sot milk of course. I'm always looking for easy sweet treats for my BF.

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