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New health eater needing help

I hope I'm doing this right. I'm not sure how to post this the correct way.

I have just become vegitarian/vegan.  Here is the thing I stopped eating meat, eggs and milk.  I do however eat fish and things with milk and eggs in it (ie. cookies, bread, etc.) There doesn't seem to be anything that does a crossover.  Is there any books that can help me out?

Hello nicolewsd!

If you go to Whole Foods, they have such a great variety of vegetarian/vegan foods. Just read the labels.  They also have great vegan pies, and vegan chocolate cakes, and also many other regular foods that are vegan.  Visit Whole Foods if you haven't already.

Good luck!


At this point, you would be what is called a Flexitarian - someone who occasionally eats meat.
Depending on what you're aiming to be, here are some more specific Vegetarian categories.

Lacto-Vegetarian - One who doesn't eat meat or eggs but eats dairy products

Ovo-Vegetarian - One who doesn't eat meat or dairy products, but eats eggs.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian - One who doesn't eat meat but eats eggs and dairy products. <<that's me. *^-^* <<

Fruititarian - One who only consumes botanical fruits that have fallen, rather than picking them (I have no idea how someone could live that way)

Pesco/Pollo Vegetarian - One who refuses to eat red meat or it's by-products, but will comsume poultry.

Freegan - "Freegans practice a lifestyle based on concerns about the exploitation of animals, the earth, and human beings in the production of consumer goods. Many tend towards veganism, but this is not an inherent practice. Those that eat meat generally support the arguments for vegetarianism, but as freeganism is concerned about waste, freegans prefer to make use of discarded commodities than to allow them to go to waste and consume landfill space." <<direct quote off Wikipedia


Whole Foods market, Wild Oats and Vitamin Cottage all have alot of veg friendly products, including bread, cookies, etc that are actually vegan.  There is a really great cookbook out called "Vegan With a Vengeance" that makes short work of alot of your favorites like cookies, cakes, breads, pizza, pastas, etc., and they are not complicated at all to prepare.  Also, "How it all Vegan" is a good place to start too.  If your not into cooking too much, there is alot of frozen alternetives, but it is much more economical to prepare your own and either freeze what you don't use for later, or have some friends over to eat it!  There are so many good recipes on this site, and if you are into cooking, as you learn more, you'll realize that almost ALL of your recipes can be converted to vegan/vegetarian...I am a southern girl, and have converted PAULA DEEN recipes to vegan....and that is amazing in my opinion!!  LOL!  Hope this info helps!   

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