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faux chicken powder

Did anybody ever try Osem or Telma faux chicken broth powder or any recipe for veggie chicken broth powder? If you did what did you think of them?

i've never used them but did you find them in a store or online?

i have also heard of a brand called massel.


I heard they were in the supermarket. Massel I never heard of.


There is a recipe in La Dolce Vegan for faux chicken, using a basic (gluten and flour), seitan recipe and a simple broth. It is The best broth ever! I use it in soup alot.


I SWEAR by Osem chicken style consomme!! I use it to flavor just about everything. I especially like to flavor ramen noodles with it. It's great by itself too. It makes a wonderful thick broth but it is really salty so I mix mine 1 part Osem and One part low sodium Streits chicken flavor soup base. In fact, a nice bowl of that is what I'm having for dinner tonight. :) (A nice big bowl of MSG and salt ??? )LOL


What does faux chicken stock powder taste like? I've never had it before!


myavocado, I agree with MDVEGAN....well mostly. I don't know how cheap it is but it is easy and good! My sig. other buys it so I don't know if it's cheap or not. I just heard that it was close to $5.00 a container. It goes a LONG way but I can't say it's cheap.

If you are the sort who gags at meat replacements you might not want to try this. I am lacto-ovo and I find this to be so realistic as far as processed "chick'n conomme" that I kept having to read the ingredients over and over. LOL

Personally, I think it's the MSG. :)  Not the best for ya but it melts wonderfully (doesn't cake) and does taste fabulous....I think, anyway. :)

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