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carrot cake

Hi guys, Haven't been on here for ages been busy relocating to Sydney. Hope all is well.  :)
I would like to know if anyone has a good recipie for carrot cake and icing? my mum makes a really great one with this fantastic cream cheese icing. I'm eat dairy but always try to cook vegan if there is an alternative. so any ideas would be greatly appreciated, especially about the frosting.

This might sound weird.  I had leftover frosting from the coconut lime cupcakes (from VCTOTW) I made a while ago.  I frosted a carrot cake with it.  It was very delicous.  The lime made it tangy, almost like a cream cheese frosting but not.  Anyway, the next time I make carrot cake, I'm going to do the lime frosting instead of cream cheese--that's how much we liked it.  The recipe was basically (I think, the book was a library book) an equal mix of shortening and margarine, juice from 3-4 limes, zest from 1 lime, vanilla extract, and 3-4 cups of confectioners sugar.  Oh, and I really enjoy baypuppy's carrot cake:


I second baypuppy's carrot cake--I have already eaten half a pan by myself  ::)

I also recommend the frosting that baypuppy mentions in the review of the carrot cake recipe--yum!

Yay for baypuppy!


one time i found a pre-made tub of cream cheese icing that was vegan at the store, i think it was betty crocker, 

i know this stuff has so many chemicals, but its always exciting to find something thats accidentally vegan.  i would certainly double check the ingredients if you do go the easy route of pre-made frosting.


I love The Incredible Vegan Carrot Cake on this site.

sooooo good.


I agree with Secondbase.  The Incredible Vegan Carrot Cake (and the frosting recipe on the same page) is amazing!  My omni family loved it!


thanks everyone. once again the wonderful people of weg web come to the rescue. i'll give them a try and let you know how i went.


ha, i'm with my carrot cake.

the difference is if you want a basic cake (mine) or one with goodies (pineapple and coconut) in them. not that mine can't have goodies added, but it is pretty easy to make.

Yeah, I was in the mood for goodies, so I just added unsweetened coconut, raisins, and walnuts--delish!


ha, i'm with my carrot cake.

the difference is if you want a basic cake (mine) or one with goodies (pineapple and coconut) in them. not that mine can't have goodies added, but it is pretty easy to make.

Yeah, I was in the mood for goodies, so I just added unsweetened coconut, raisins, and walnuts--delish!

i like goodies in mine also, but the problem with all the recipes on here (before i posted this one) was that they all were low rated or had a lot of "fancy" stuff in them that would require a trip to the store. when you want carrot cake and got carrots, you should be able to with or without pineapple!!

Yuck, I think pineapple sounds really gross. I love pineapple, but I really don't like it in desserts. Reminds me of fruit cake and old people  ;D

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