added this 19 years ago
Tis The Season Breakfast Smoothie
What you need:
3/4 cup apple juice 3/4 cup nondairy milk (I use soy) 1/2 banana 1/2 cup fresh cranberries 1 tablespoon flaxseeds or flax oil, optional 1 tablespoon vegan protein powder, optional dash cinnamon dash vanilla extract crushed ice, as needed
What you do:
Throw everything in a blender and enjoy this healthy holiday treat! Instead of using crushed ice, you can freeze the banana and cranberries ahead of time.
Preparation Time:
5 minutes
Recipe Category:
The smoothie wasn't bad. I altered this recipe a little to fit my tastes such as subing cranberies for raspberries, and I added a tsp of vanilla extract,maybe I should added a 1/2 tsp of it. I used almond cocunut milk, no flaxseeds, no protein powder and no ice(ice makes smoothies even more liquidy so if you want it cold make it w/o it and put the smoothie in the freezer instead until it is as cold as you want it , such as abt 10-15 minutes give and take.
This was freaking amazing. I'm not normally a huge fan of smoothies but this sounded good, and it tasted even better. I didn't add extras and I was out of apple juice, so I blended 1 banana, 1/2 cup cranberries and a splash of OJ with some vitamin powder and almond milk. Super yummy!!!!