added this 19 years ago
Tezzas Sauce with Capsicum
What you need:
4 mushrooms sliced
1 capsicum diced
1 small onion diced
2-3 cloves of garlic (depending on your taste.)
10 olives cut
1 can of peeled tomatoes
1 can of tomatoe puree
olive oil
spagetti or 1 1/2 cups of rice
What you do:
Fry the onions, garlic, mushrooms, capsicum, olives and herbs in olive oil. This takes about 10 minutes or until onion is brown. Boil some water and cook the rice or spagetti. Then add the tomatoes and tomato puree to the ingredients. Cook, until boil. Turn down the heat until it simmers and let it simmer for 15 minutes with a lid on. Then once the rice is ready, strain it. Put it on a plate, and then add the sauce to it.
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