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Member since August 2004

Spicy and Sweet Rice Pilaf

What you need: 

1 tablespoon vegan margarine (I like Earth Balance)
1 cup basmati rice, raw (white)
crushed seeds of 4 cardamom pods (about 1/8 tsp.)
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup peas, fresh or frozen
2 cups water
3/4 teaspoon salt
(optional: a handful of toasted almonds, or cashews, chopped)

What you do: 

Melt the margarine in a small-ish pot on medium heat. Add the raw rice, and saute it until it just starts to color, and becomes fragrant. Add the cardamom and cinnamon and cook a moment or two longer.
Add the rest of the ingredients (except the nuts if you are using them) and bring the whole thing to just under a boil. Immediately turn the heat down to simmer gently, and let the rice steam with the lid on for about 20 minutes. The rice should be soft, and tender.
Scatter the chopped optional nuts on top, and serve with chutney. Yum! A lovely, fragrant, slightly sweet foil for a searingly hot curry.

Preparation Time: 
30 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


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