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Member since April 2003

Southwestern Black Bean Casserole

What you need: 

1 cup water
1 cup corn meal
chili powder
salt & pepper
1 cup black beans
1 cup corn
1/2 package burger-style crumbles
1 jar salsa

What you do: 

In a medium sauce pan, combine corn meal and water. Add a generous amount of chili powder & cumin and salt and pepper to taste. Cook over med heat until the mixture gets thick.
Pat mixture into the bottom of a baking pan and bake at 400 degrees for approximately 10 minutes to make crust.
Combine black beans, corn and veggie crumbles, and pour over crust. Pour the jar of salsa over the veggies, and bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.
You can also add some soy cheese and/or vegan sour cream if desired but its really good as is.

Preparation Time: 
30 min
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


::)Trying this recipe now using veggie burgers chopped up instead of the crumbles.  Also, holding off on adding the salsa until we serve it because I am wondering if that would make it all runny?  We'll see.... javascript:void(0);


it was cheap, it was easy, but it was not that great. maybe cheese, if its done again?


Yum yum yum! I modified the crust a little bit - added more water and some olive oil, a little coriander, and substituted cayenne for the chili powder. I used soyrizo crumbles and added Daiya cheddar cheese on the top. It came out a little spicy for me but my fiance loves it!


i butchered the recipe with all my modifications... but it was so much better the day after! i would def. try it again.


This sounds great.  I can't wait to try it!


this did not turn out well for me.. i made some changes to the top two layers, which may have affected it (added refried beans, no burger crumbles or corn, extra spices)...  but I didn't care for the crust base at all and I followed that part of the recipe.  The texture wasn't very good (mine was kind of gritty) and I was hoping for a nice cornbread type thing.  I managed to save the top two layers since they tasted good as a bean dip for tortilla chips. 


I made this for my wife and 14 month old daughter tonight.  We all loved it.  I did add some onions and bell peppers to the veggie mix.  I was not thrilled with the crust but I am just starting a vegan diet after being vegetarian for 13 years.  I supposed some of this is going to take some getting used to. 


Amazing!! I doubled the recipe and used a 9x13 pan and substituted chickpeas for burger crumbles. It turned out fabulous and my whole non-vegan family loved it. Next time I'm going to triple the amount of beans, salsa and corn. I loved all that chunky goodness! Thank you for this fabulous recipe!!!


I had to join this website just to rate this recipe- it is that good!!  I have a large family so I doubled the recipe and it turned out great (2 cans of beans, 2 c corn meal/2 c water, 2 bags of MorningStar Burger Crumbles, etc in a 9x13 dish).  The only thing that should be added is that you definitely need to spray your baking dish with Pam first, my crust stuck big time.



oh! and we used soy sausage crumbles instead of the meat crumbles becaue the sausage ones are spicier/zestier and we dig on that.



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