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Member since February 2011

Raw Strawberry Fudge Cake

What you need: 

3 cups soaked chopped walnuts
1 cup dates
2/3 cup cacao powder or carob powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 ripe avocado
1/3 cup dates
1/3 cup cacao powder or carob powder
1/4 cup agave nectar
1/4 water or less
1 pint of strawberries, sliced (or raspberries)

What you do: 

1. Cake: Soak the chopped walnuts for 6 to 8 hours. This is optional for the original recipes calls for dried walnuts but I find the soaked walnuts become key for a much more delicious moist cake.
2. Blend the chopped walnuts, dates, cacao powder, and salt in a food processor until they are well combined and form a dough-like consistency. Divide the dough into two separate balls. Flatten and even them out into two cake layers.
3. Frosting: In the food processor, blend the avocado, dates, cacao powder, and agave nectar, adding a tiny bit of water at a time until it forms a smooth thick frosting.
4. Assembly: On the top of one cake, smooth out a bit of the frosting and add a layer of sliced strawberries. Add the second cake on top and smooth out the rest of the frosting all around the cake. Decorate the rest of the cake surface however you please with the strawberries.
Source of recipe: Inspired by Ani Phyo's "Raspberry Ganache Fudge Cake"

Preparation Time: 
20 minutes
Cooking Time: 
6 to 8
Recipe Category: 


hmm i made this recently, and i wasnt sure what to make of it. I had to use a LOT more water than you said, to try and stick it all together. It worked in the end, and tasted ok....but i see why you say it serves so many. I ate bigger pieces than you reccomended, and it made me feel sick. Even though this was nice, i just dont think this amount of nuts in one go is very healthy. I actually feel better eating oily, floury cakes.


8-) mmm this seems really nifty!! this ill deff. give a try. i'd be my first raw dessert recipe i'v done. but i think ill do cream cheese instead of avocado, even though that kinda take it back a bit form being raw but the idea of avocado being sweet just makes me nauseous lol.

avacado does indeed sound strange, but it really works!  ;)b


8-) mmm this seems really nifty!! this ill deff. give a try. i'd be my first raw dessert recipe i'v done. but i think ill do cream cheese instead of avocado, even though that kinda take it back a bit form being raw but the idea of avocado being sweet just makes me nauseous lol.

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