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Member since April 2003

pecan loaf

What you need: 

2c. cooked brown rice
4c. soft whole wheat vegan bread crumbs (jog blender on/off to make)
1c. very finely chopped pecans or walnuts
Combine above in bowl and set aside.
Whiz in blender until smooth:
1 1/2 cup water
1 med. onion
2/3c. whole wheat flour
1tsp. sweet basil
1 1/2 teaspoon salt

What you do: 

Pur whizzed ingredients into bowl with other ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Place in 8x8 baking dish, oiled or pammed Bake @ 350 for approximately 60 minutes.
Serve hot with peanut gravy ot tomato sauce. This is excellent served cold in a sandwich!!

Preparation Time: 
Cooking Time: 
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tastes good, but is very dense.. its like eating really heavy bread.  kinda crumbly & dry but is delicious with a bit of gravy and some mashed potatoes.  if it had a bit more moisture itd be great and the rice that was on the outer crust next to the pan got pretty hard and tough to chew.  not bad though, i've definitely been enjoying the leftovers. 

btw- i halved this recipe and it filled a medium size loaf pan.

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