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Member since April 2003

Excellent Vegan Wacky Cake

What you need: 

2 tablespoons cocoa
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon vinegar
5 tablespoons cooking oil
1 cup water

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix the dry ingredients into one bowl and the wet (except water) into another.
2. Slowly pour the dry into the wet, and stir. Mix in water. Stir completely so that there are no clumps. Pour into a cake pan of your choice.
3. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Preparation Time: 
about 40 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


I made this cake last night at 11:30 pm when I was having a sugar craving meltdown. I kinda didn't measure things accurately, I was in a rush(smile). Anyway, the cake was done in 30 mins, soft, moist and most of all very tasty. I added rum and vanilla extract. I'm going to experiment with some other extracts next time. Very good recipe, taste is over the top with vegan ice cream. Thanks for the recipe. I used brown sugar and it was sweet enough for us.


Frosted the Wacky Cake with Coffee Frosting (omg mocha cake...)

Coffee Frosting:
1/3c margarine
3c powdered sugar
1tsp vanilla
1-2T soymilk blended with 1-1.5T instant coffee granuals

Blend together, adding more soymilk or sugar as necesary. Frost. Makes enough for 2 rounds or 1 large sheet cake.  Excellent.  Divine, even.  A grown-up delight, even for non vegans. (Obviously. Gosh it's good.)

OMG i cannot wait to try this will be myfirst vegan attemt at cake and im so excited.  Thank for the recipe sounds fantastic!!!  Erin~


This made the most fantastic cupcakes I've ever made. I used a thicker version of the soy whipped cream as filling from here--> and frosting from from here -->

I'll never miss little debbie's again. I call them deathcakes and I vow to only make a maximum of four batches per year.


this recipe makes wonderful cupcakes!  I only used about 2 T of oil, and subbed about half of the water with very strong brewed coffee.  then I topped them off with a simple cinnamon+coffee+sugar glaze.  delish!


Thank you for this wonderful recipe!  It is now the regularly requested birthday cake at our house!  Our favorite way is to use a chocolate mint glaze over the top with dark chocolate shavings sprinkled over top.


I've made this cake over and over again, and it never fails.

This time, I tweaked it a bit to fit a caffeine-addled, coffeeshop-workin', buddy-o-mine.

I replaced the vanilla extract with almond extract. I took a 1/2 a cup of water mixed with a 1/2 cup of brewed coffee and used that in place of 1 cup of water.

On the top of the cake, I made a chocolate-coffee frosting, and sprinkled chocolate chips and walnuts on top. :) Yum :)


would this work well with fresh lemon juice in place of the vinegar? i've heard the two are interchangeable as catalysts for the type of reaction that is needed in baking, so i'd like to try that instead.


i made this cake this morning. i made it with a pan that has 8 twinkie-shaped cups and frosted it using a chocolate frosting from this site

i subbed some of the ingredients. i used part whole wheat flour and part whole wheat pastry flour, and istead of the oil i used 3 tbsp margarine and 2 tbsp apple sauce and it came out very yummy  :)


This cake is FANTASTIC! It's super-moist and oh-so-yummy! I added vegan semi-sweet chocolate chips to the batter and sprinkled a few on top of it before I stuck it in the oven. I also put a little bit of chocolate syrup on the cake right out of the oven, so it soaked through.

My co-workers are flipping over this cake!


*Drool running all over keyboard* Divine and Decadent!!
I used 4 tbsp of carob powder, and subbed the water for a cup of cold strong coffee made with a french press. I then iced it with the coffee icing above, only modified slightly (1/3 cup coconut oil, 2 cups icing sugar, 1 tsp pure vanilla, 2 tsp strong coffee).
My grandmother (the 'master baker' of the family) even gave high praise, and she's super picky!
Thanks for submitting the recipe, has to be an all time fav. of mine!
:DIm wacky for wacky cake! :D



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